Reiki Online Newsletter - July 2018


Good News

Sharing the Good News About Reiki
by William Lee Rand

Reiki is such a wonderful gift and contains so many positive qualities that it is really important for Reiki practitioners and teachers to have an effective way of explaining Reiki to others. This article will give you ideas on how to let people know what Reiki is and how it can benefit them as well as their family and friends. Read More


Table of Contents

William Lee RandIt is my pleasure to send you the July 2018 edition of our Reiki Online Newsletter. Clicking on the links in the table of contents takes you directly to each item. To return just click on the "Return to Contents" link at the end of each section or the back arrow in your browser. I would enjoy your input so we can make this newsletter even more informative and valuable. Feel free use the input form link toward the end of the newsletter to send any comments, questions, information or Reiki Stories that you would like to share with other Reiki people.

Note: Only 1 or 2 articles from the hard copy Reiki News magazine 
appear in this online newsletter. To read all articles, please subscribe.

Good NewsSharing the Good News About Reiki
by William Lee Rand

Reiki is such a wonderful gift and contains so many positive qualities that it is really important for Reiki practitioners and teachers to have an effective way of explaining Reiki to others. This article will give you ideas on how to let people know what Reiki is and how it can benefit them as well as their family and friends.

A question that comes up often when first meeting people is, “What do you do?” This, of course, is a great lead-in question for letting people know you do Reiki. While some people will know what Reiki is, often they do not, and because of this, people often respond with, “What is Reiki?” At this point, what you want to do is provide an answer that can easily lead into a lengthier conversation so they can gain a good understanding of the value Reiki provides so they can decide if they would like to try a Reiki session. Because of this, your initial answer needs to be clear and succinct, or you may lose their attention and the conversation will go on to other topics.

Here’s an opening description I have used that really works:

“Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.”

After you say this, watch the person closely and be ready to answer any questions they may have or otherwise, to give a more thorough description of Reiki. They might ask how it is done, and if not, you can simply go on with this:

“Reiki energy is the life energy that keeps everything alive. All plants, insects, animals and humans are alive because life energy is flowing through them.”

So, depending on their interest and if they ask additional questions, you can go on to say:

“When your life energy is high, you’ll feel strong and healthy, but when it is low, you’ll feel weak and tired and be more susceptible to illness.”

You can also add:

“A Reiki session will fill you with life energy, helping you to feel strong and healthy. It also increases confidence, and many have found that it quickens the healing process!”

You can also explain that Reiki is done with the hands and then offering to give a demonstration by asking permission to place your hands on their shoulders. While you are giving them Reiki, you can continue to explain what Reiki is. Here are a few important ideas you can include in your description:

“Reiki never causes harm and can be used at any time for any situation in which you could benefit from an increase in life energy. It’s helpful even when you are feeling good but is especially helpful when you are feeling tired or depleted, and most importantly, it can help people who are sick. In fact, it can help people with any illness or medical condition.” Also include: “While Reiki does quicken the healing process, it is still important to see a licensed health care provider if you have a medical or psychological condition.”

Additional information you can provide:

  • Reiki provides only positive results.
  • Reiki is easy to learn.
  • Reiki provides a way to do something positive in times of difficulty no matter what the situation might be.
  • Reiki is a beautiful way to connect with other people.
  • Reiki, when done with permission, fulfills the need to touch and be touched.
  • Reiki reduces the negative effects of medications and other medical treatments including those of radiation and chemotherapy.
  • Reiki can be a job and supply you with part or full-time income.

So, as you can see, no matter what situation you may find yourself in, whether social, business or even family gatherings, by using the ideas presented here, you can always feel confident when explaining the wonderful gift of Reiki to others.

Reiki Classes with William Lee Rand
For a complete list of William's 2018 Reiki classes click here.

Holy Fire Reiki

Holy Fire Reiki is a new form of Reiki that was introduced in January, 2014 by the ICRT. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. It is included as part of our Usui Reiki classes and has also been added to Karuna Reiki® training.

Learn more about Holy Fire Reiki

Reiki Love, Joy and PeaceNew Book
Reiki Love, Joy and Peace
CP102 $29.95

The 67 articles in this anthology were written by William Lee Rand, one of the world’s foremost practitioners and teachers of Reiki. They first appeared in the Reiki News Magazine and will provide you with unique insight into every aspect of Reiki practice. Also included are the adventures William experienced as he traveled to the ends of the earth to bless the planet with the healing energy of Reiki. Learn more.


The Reiki Lifestyle® Podcast
The Podcast Where we Talk About all Things Reiki

Colleen and Robyn Benelli with William Lee Rand

Glastonbury 2018

Glastonbury 2018
William leading a group hike with one of
the 2018 Glastonbury UK classes near the Tor.

The Future of Reiki
This is a content rich talk that includes many important details and concepts. Recorded via Skype from Michigan for the 2015 Australian Reiki Connection Conference.

View The Future of Reiki Video

Reiki and ChildrenNew Book Just Released
Reiki and Children
CP409 $14.95

A selection of 27 articles from the Reiki News Magazine. Includes Reiki for Pregnancy and Childbirth. Children who have received Reiki before and after birth are more open and caring toward others and tend to be peacemakers among their playmates. They also benefit from the knowledge that there is something beautiful inside themselves which can heal and help solve problems and provide guidance during difficult times. Learn more.


Seven Day Training

Seven Day Inward Bound
Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master
Teacher Training on Maui

Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master Training
Aug 15-21, 2018 - Hana, Maui, HI

Entrance gate

New Reduced Price: $3195
Special Reiki Classes on Kurama Yama, Japan
Kurama Yama is the mountain where Usui sensei had
his meditative experience and was given the gift of Reiki.

Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master Training
September 16-23, 2018 - Kurama, Japan

Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® Master Training
September 23-30, 2018 - Kurama, Japan

William Lee Rand

Reiki Retreat 2018

This year we will feature two Reiki Retreats; one for the East coast and one for the West Coast. Click on the links to read about all the exciting activities.


Sedona Mago Retreat Center
August 31-September 3 - Sedona, Arizona

Reiki Stories*

Reiki and Snoring
I was traveling with a friend. We shared a hotel room, she sleeping in one bed, me in the other. I knew from experience that as soon as she fell asleep she would start snoring—and that if I did not fall asleep before she did, I would be up half the night! Unfortunately she beat me to it, and I was still awake when the snoring started. Then I had a brilliant idea. I invoked the distance symbol and sent Reiki to her. The very split second I sent the Reiki, the snoring stopped, and I had a blissful night of sleep.

—Judith Schutz

Reiki and Divorce
I am a divorce coach here in Eugene, Oregon. I created a business to help people through the process of divorce or separation. I give information, resources, and support in many areas, including how to navigate the emotional terrain, how to use legal professionals in a cost-effective manner, and keeping kids out of the middle, as well as addressing spiritual issues. I decided that as an experiment, I would offer Reiki treatments in combination with the verbal processing we do together. I’ve had tremendous results! People are able to process in a more calm, clear fashion. They have reported having insights that helped ease the turmoil. With something as traumatic as divorce I believe people can benefit from taking a break from their mental traps. Obsessive worrying seems to melt away for the hour they are on the table—this can feel like a lifesaver for someone who is filled with anxiety, stress, and fearful thoughts many hours every day.

When I work with couples, I do Reiki for both of them before we begin our session. What a difference! They are grateful for the results, and it makes my job so much easier. Communication is smooth and compassion is easier to express. Blame and judgement are more easily released. I will continue to do Reiki sessions in addition to the other services I offer. (Perhaps I should offer Reiki for the attorneys as well!)

— Pam Brooks

Reiki and Menopause
Thank you for sharing these wonderful Reiki stories. It inspired me to share one of my own. Last year I was well into what I would describe as my second year of perimenopause. I did not menstruate for nine months. Then my husband and I were initiated into Reiki I, which was a weekend course of instruction, with the attunements on the second day. The very next day, my menses began to flow, much to my great relief, filling me with a strong feeling of well-being. Blessings!

—Jane Sherry

Reiki Heals Depression and Back Injuries
In 1978, I had a very bad accident at work which resulted in many problems in my back—stretched muscles, herniated discs, arthritis, pinched nerves, and more. I spent a lot of time at chiropractors, doctors, pain pills, and the like. In 1992, I slipped and fell on a patch of ice as I was leaving work, a different job in an office, as I could not do any physically demanding job for all these years. More herniations, pain, a broken arm, and another trauma to contend with. I spent nearly two years in bed, depressed, many pills to numb the pain, and was quite a mess. Then I went to a high school reunion, as my friend urged me to, and she helped me have the strength to go. She told me about taking Reiki, and explained what it was. Desperate to be helped without pills, we both took the class and I could not believe the difference!!!!! It was like a miracle. My strength got better, my depression lifted, and positive energy began, letting go of the negative feeling I had for so long! I am not fully healed, but can walk, even swim a bit, take an arthritis aqua class, WALK A TREADMILL (which is a miracle) fifteen to twenty minutes a day. I also do not eat much red meat. I have Reiki II and practice on self and others, and everyone I touch feels so wonderful and transformed by it. I cannot speak enough of this great art. It will always be a great part of my life. I will be taking more in the future. Respectfully,

— Bonnie Kemp, Kingston, PA

Boils and Ulcers Healed
William: I received a miracle healing after painful suffering with constant boils and various ulcers that just would not heal. Desperate to try anything, I was told of a Reiki lady not far from us so I went and after three hours went home. The toxins began cleansing. After a week passed the sores stopped multiplying and got less until all vanished. I now have no symptoms. I am forever grateful.

—Fiona Elizabeth Hill

Reiki Heals Problem Pregnancy
Dear William: I had just learned Reiki II, and my daughter-in-law Sue was in her seventh month of pregnancy and experiencing very excruciating pain in her back. She could not walk. She went to the doctor and he told her that the baby was lying on the sciatic nerves in her back. So he told her to just stay in bed and rest, that there was nothing he could do for her. As she had two more children at home, there was no way she could just stay in bed. She was in tears, and asked me if I could give her Reiki. I was worried that the energy might bring on labor pains, and at seven months I knew it would be too early for a baby to be born. I refused, saying I was worried it might not be good for her or the baby. She insisted, and said please, I really need your help. And so I gave her Reiki. As soon as I gave it to her, her belly was moving around in circles. Her two children were laughing, saying “Oh my God, look at what’s happening to mommy’s belly.” Lo and behold, the baby actually turned and was off her sciatic nerves. She was so relieved, got up off the chair, and was so happy to be pain-free for the next two months! To me, that was a miracle. We now have our own Reiki baby named Diane Marie, the most happy, loving, and spiritual child who is in love with everyone and everything. Thank you God for letting me find Reiki in my life.

—Margaret Ann Ciel

Reiki Saved My Tooth
A few months ago I had an abscessed tooth. I had an appointment scheduled for a root canal and crown when I realized that I hadn’t signed up for dental insurance at work and that the bill would be more than I could afford. I asked my husband to try some Reiki on my tooth (the side of my face). The pain was gone. I called the dentist to cancel the appointment and he suggested that I come in just to see. I went in, he X-rayed, and there was no problem. Since then the tooth has twinged every now and then, but I’ve had no more problems with the kind of pain I’d been having.


* Some Reiki Stories may have been previously published in Reiki News Magazine.