ICRT Leadership Page

The International Center for Reiki Training
Leadership Page

Company Overview

William Lee Rand became a Reiki Master in March 1989 and taught his first class in June of that year. In 1991, he established the Center for Reiki Training. In 1997, as the teaching program began to extend to foreign countries and foreign students began traveling to the United States to take classes, the name was expanded to The International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT).

The Reiki training offered by the ICRT has developed over the years. In 1989, William created the Usui/Tibetan style of Reiki, in 1995, along with help from some of his students and Laurelle Shanti Gaia, he created the Karuna Reiki® system of Reiki. And in January 2014, Holy Fire® Reiki was given to us.

The classes offered by the ICRT include Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I & II and Master level, Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master, and Animal Reiki I & II and Master level. Professional class manuals are provided to students to facilitate the learning and teaching process. In addition, the ICRT has developed and maintains a 1000-page website containing 300 free Reiki articles, list of scheduled classes and many teaching and training tools that support students in starting and operating their own Reiki practice.

The ICRT also developed and maintains the Reiki Membership Association, a professional Reiki association that features a code of ethics and professional standards of practice; the Reiki News Magazine published quarterly; and the Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Program (LRMT), an advanced course of study for licensure as a Reiki teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training. All aspects of the ICRT make it a vital resource for Reiki community. It intends that all Reiki practitioners and teachers regardless of their organizational affiliation will do well and promotes their friendly cooperation worldwide.

Organizational Structure and Teams

William L. Rand Company, Inc.
The William L. Rand Company, Inc. is the parent company with the DBAs of Vision Publications and the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT).

Vision Publications: Developed and manages the ICRT website and Reiki News Magazine as well as provides a current list of Reiki classes and updates and sells the ICRT Reiki class manuals, and other Reiki products.

International Center for Reiki Training: Manages the Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program.

ICRT Teams
Two groups handle the daily activities within the ICRT, Team Reiki and the ICRT Business Team.

Team Reiki: A group of experienced Licensed Reiki Master Teachers and office staff guiding the ICRT comprises Team Reiki. Originating in 2015, the members are William Rand, Colleen Benelli, Karen Harrison, Carolyn Musial, Jill Thiel, Michael Baird and Tammy Hilla. William Rand has trained and mentored the above members, some since 1998.

ICRT Business Team: Originating in February 2019, the Business Team develops and carries out business plans for the ICRT. Members include William Rand, Colleen Benelli, Karen Harrison, Carolyn Musial, Jill Thiel, Michael Baird, Corey Bippes, Tammy Hilla, and Diane R.

Succession Planning
The following business strategy is in place to ensure the International Center for Reiki Training continues to run smoothly and without interruption. Should William Rand retire or pass away, the ICRT will become a nonprofit corporation that owns and manages the William L. Rand Company, Inc/Vision Publications., a for-profit Corporation, which will allow business to continue as usual. Colleen Benelli, Karen Harrison, Jill Thiel, and the members of Team Reiki will assume Board Membership and leadership roles within the ICRT. 

Overview of Directors

William Rand, President

  • President of the International Center for Reiki Training.
  • Founder of the William L. Rand Company, The International Center for Reiki Training, Vision Publications, and The Center for Reiki Research.
  • Manages all financial aspects of the William L. Rand Company, Vision Publications, and the ICRT.
  • Takes part in the planning for all teams and makes the final decisions.
  • Leads and contributes to all teams and programs for the ICRT.
  • Receives guidance for the development of Holy Fire® Reiki energy.

Colleen Benelli, Executive Director

  • Executive Director of Program Development.
  • Co-Director, Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program.
  • Works with William Rand to receive guidance for developing all programs.
  • Provides support and guidance to the other Directors.
  • Runs Team Reiki and Business Team meetings.
  • Develops Director Training.

Karen Harrison, Director

  • Co-Director, Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program.
  • Assistant Director of Finance.
  • Works with William Rand in managing the financial aspects of the William L. Rand Company and the DBAs of Vision Publications and the ICRT.
  • Develops Director Training.

Carolyn Musial, Director

  • Director of the Licensed Reiki Master Teachers.

Chellie Kammermeyer, Assistant Director

  • Assistant Director of the Licensed Reiki Master Teachers.

Jill Thiel, Director

  • Director of Social Media.
  • Assistant Director of the Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program.

Pam Allen-LeBlanc, Assistant Director

  • Assistant Director of the Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program.

Staff Working with All Teams and Programs

Corey Bippes

  • Reiki News Magazine Production Manager.
  • ICRT Webmaster.
  • Email Marketing and List Manager.
  • Reiki Manual and Book Production Manager.

Tammy Hilla, Diane R

  • Manage the office.
  • Handle administrative and accounting tasks of the William L. Rand Company, Vision Publications, and the ICRT.
  • Manage sales, shipping, and inventory.
  • Contribute to website development.
  • Act as liaisons with LRMTs.
  • Handle all administrative tasks of William Rand’s classes.

Leadership of ICRT Programs and Teams

ICRT Programs and Teams

  • The Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program (LRMTTP)
  • Licensed Reiki Master Teachers
  • Social Media Team
  • Legislative Team
  • Reiki Retreat Team
  • Reiki News Magazine Team

The Licensed Reiki Master Teacher Training Program
The Directors of this program manage and develop the program, including training the student teachers through full licensing and selecting, training, and supporting the Mentor Teachers. 

Co-Directors—Colleen Benelli, Karen Harrison
Assistant Directors—Pam Allen-LeBlanc, Jill Thiel

Licensed Reiki Master Teachers
The Directors lead and support all aspects of the program for partially or fully licensed teachers. In addition, they facilitate all communication from the office staff, Team Reiki, and the Business Team to the LRMTs.

Director—Carolyn Musial
Assistant Director—Chellie Kammermeyer

Social Media Team
The Social Media Team produces and manages all aspects of social media for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms.

Director—Jill Thiel
Team Members—Karen Caig, Robyn Benelli, and Cami Cote

Legislative Team
The Legislative Team monitors state legislation involving the practice of Reiki. They educate state legislators about Reiki practice, encourage beneficial legislation, and alert legislators to unnecessary regulation. They also notify Reiki practitioners to contact the legislators in their district and voice their concerns or support about proposed bills. 

Legislative Team Advisor—William Rand
Team Lead—Jules Davis
Team Member—Jenny Stinson

Reiki Retreat Team LLC
The Reiki Retreat Team produces and manages all aspects of the Reiki Retreat, both online and in-person.

Team Members—Michael Baird, Arthur Baird, Tonya Baird

Reiki News Magazine Team
This Team selects the articles, provides editing, and formatting to produce the full-color, glossy Reiki News Magazine.

Editor-in-Chief—William Rand
Art Director/Advertising Manager—Corey Bippes
Design/Production—Alicia Baker
Editor—Diane Hendler

Contact Information
William Lee Rand
President and Founder
William Rand, President, and Founder
         Member of Team Reiki since 2015.
         Member of ICRT Business Team since 2019.

Colleen Benelli
Colleen Benelli, Executive Director
         Member of Team Reiki since 2015.
         Member of ICRT Business Team since 2019.

Karen Harrison
Karen Harrison, Director
         Member of Team Reiki since 2015.
         Member of ICRT Business Team since 2019.

Carolyn Musial
Carolyn Musial, Director
         Member of Team Reiki since 2015.
         Member of ICRT Business Team since 2019.

Jill Thiel
Jill Thiel, Director
         Member of Team Reiki since 2021.
         Member of ICRT Business Team since 2020.

Pam LeBlanc
Pam Allen-Le Blanc, Assistant Director

Chellie Kammermeyer
Chellie Kammermeyer, Assistant Director

Team Leaders and Members

Arthur Baird
Arthur Baird, Reiki Retreat Team

Michael Baird
Michael Baird, Reiki Retreat Team
         Member of Team Reiki since 2015.
         Member of ICRT Business Team since 2019.

Tonya Baird
Tonya Baird, Reiki Retreat Team

Robyn Benelli
Robyn Benelli, Social Media Team

Corey Bippes, Reiki News Magazine Team
         Member of ICRT Business Team since 2019.

Cami Coté
Cami Cote, Social Media Team

Julianna Davis 
Jules Davis, Legislative Team

Jenny Stinson
Jenny Stinson, Legislative Team

Tracey Sullivan
Tracey Sullivan, Legislative Team

kris Valentine
Kris Valentine, Legislative Team

Staff Members

Tammy Hilla, Diane R.
         Members of the Business Team and Team Reiki