Reiki Online Newsletter - March 2018

FocusFocus on Your Positive Self and Heal Your Whole Being
by William Lee Rand

As the effectiveness of Holy Fire Reiki continues to develop, we receive new insight into how it can help us. Because of this, we are learning how to live our lives more efficiently. The understanding of the value of focusing on the positive has been with us a long time. Read More


Table of Contents


William Lee Rand - EditorIt is my pleasure to send you the March 2018 edition of our Reiki Online Newsletter. Clicking on the links in the table of contents takes you directly to each item. To return just click on the "Return to Contents" link at the end of each section or the back arrow in your browser. I would enjoy your input so we can make this newsletter even more informative and valuable. Feel free use the input form link toward the end of the newsletter to send any comments, questions, information or Reiki Stories that you would like to share with other Reiki people.

Note: The articles in this newsletter are not from the Reiki News Magazine.
To read the hard copy magazine, please subscribe.

Focus on Your Positive Self and Heal Your Whole BeingFocus
by William Lee Rand

As the effectiveness of Holy Fire Reiki continues to develop, we receive new insight into how it can help us. Because of this, we are learning how to live our lives more efficiently. The understanding of the value of focusing on the positive has been with us a long time.

Books such as The Power of Positive Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Thinking Every Day, Relentless Optimism, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, and even You Are a Badass, indicate the importance of this focus. These books explain and show the value of positive thinking and how powerful it can be in helping us live amazing lives. And while this concept is valuable, I’d like to present an enhancement of this idea that can be even more effective.

Most people will agree that we have positive qualities and negative qualities. And by negative qualities, I mean areas of ourselves that are in need of healing. Often, people make use of their positive qualities to deal with their negative qualities. And of course, this technique works and can help us move forward in the development of our lives. However, with the introduction of Holy Fire Reiki, we have an alternative approach that can work even better.

There are two parts to this process. In the first part, it is important to give ourselves Holy Fire Reiki every day, and while doing so, focus on sending Holy Fire Reiki only to our positive qualities. Then throughout the day, encourage Holy Fire Reiki to flow continuously and also continue to contemplate your positive self and send Holy Fire Reiki to it. As we do this, Holy Fire Reiki will nurture us and encourage the further development of our positive qualities; we will feel an uplifting flow of healthy, life-giving energy taking us straight up into a world of greater joy, love and happiness! Our positive qualities will be validated, strengthened and developed. These include traits such as patience, endurance, health and well-being, honesty with others as well as with ourselves, dependability, determination, courage, vision, clarity of mind and purpose. They also include belief in oneself, ambition, imagination, kindness, sympathy, loyalty, cooperation, independence, the ability to accomplish short and long-range goals, trust in the higher power and so forth.

Our positive qualities are part of who we really are; they make up our authentic-self, and it is appropriate and healthy to focus on them and dwell on their value and feel grateful that we have them.

On the other hand, our negative aspects are the result of injuries we have experienced. These injuries often go unhealed and can develop into personality traits that are detrimental to us. And in fact, because they are the result of an injury, they are not parts of ourselves! They are false images of who we really are. I do not want to create a list of these negative traits because I don’t want to direct your energy toward them; I believe, given the overview provided, you will have an understanding of to what I am referring. But overall, these negative parts are what hold you back from enjoying an even richer and more amazingly beautiful life than what you may already be experiencing.

One of the reasons not to focus on or even think about the negative parts of ourselves is because energy follows the mind and to think about them can give them energy, making them more difficult to heal and even make them worse. However, Holy Fire Reiki provides a solution.

Holy Fire Reiki is smart and aware of how the mind works. It will know what you are doing and why you are doing it. Because of this, not only will your positive qualities immediately become more powerful and effective, but the Holy Fire energy will also automatically begin healing your negative parts without you needing to think about them at all. Just focus on sending Holy Fire Reiki to your positive qualities and Holy Fire Reiki will heal your negative qualities at the same time! This strategy is an efficient system as focusing only on your positive qualities really improves their strength and effectiveness and allows you to be totally immersed in positive energy. This will make your life more enjoyable! And by not thinking about your negative parts, they cannot lower your vibration and you are not allowing them to feed off your energy. Instead, you allow Holy Fire Reiki to heal them independent of your conscious mind!

This process works so well that within a few days of starting it, you’ll begin to notice results. Difficulties will begin resolving themselves, you’ll experience a greater number of fortunate events taking place in your life, people will love and appreciate you more and you will be happy as you contemplate how wonderful it is to be alive.

Holy Fire Reiki

Holy Fire Reiki is a new form of Reiki that was introduced in January, 2014 by the ICRT. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. It is included as part of our Usui Reiki classes and has also been added to Karuna Reiki® training.

Learn more about Holy Fire Reiki


New BookReiki Love, Joy and Peace
Reiki Love, Joy and Peace
CP102 $29.95

The 67 articles in this anthology were written by William Lee Rand, one of the world’s foremost practitioners and teachers of Reiki. They first appeared in the Reiki News Magazine and will provide you with unique insight into every aspect of Reiki practice. Also included are the adventures William experienced as he traveled to the ends of the earth to bless the planet with the healing energy of Reiki. Learn more.

Reiki for Tax TimeTax Time
by Karen Harrison,
Senior Licensed Reiki Master Teacher

Do you dislike preparing your taxes? I admit it. I would rather clean my toilets than spend time getting together all the documents and information to give to my accountant. Anticipating working on taxes turns out to be as painful for me as actually doing the arduous chore. It feels like wasted time. Thankfully, Reiki can help.

Reiki helps us to solve challenges in our daily lives. Because of giving myself Reiki every morning and quieting my mind, I saw a way to make the tax preparation time more manageable. The task for me as a small business owner seemed like it required about 40 hours to put together all the information. Reiki gave me the idea to break up the project into small chunks. I made a list of each of the tasks I would need to complete. As I finished them, I kept track of how much time each task took and created some notes about how I did that step so it would be quicker next year. Soon, I had a list of tasks that ranged from two hours down to five minutes each.

The tasks add up to less than seven hours from start to finish. The most time-consuming part is collecting information to deduct the portion of my home office from my home. I saved the document. Now when I go to prepare my taxes, I pull up the document and start on the things that are quickest and easiest. Seeing so many items checked off is motivating and inspires me to want to complete the task.

When I first began in business, I hired an accountant to set up QuickBooks for me and train me in how to use it. For a few years, I made all the entries myself. As my business grew, I decided to hire someone to come monthly and enter all the data. Doing so allowed me to spend more time doing what only I could do and freed up energy that I was expending doing something I did not particularly enjoy. A year later, I realize I would never have been able to grow to the size of my current business without that help and support. Having all the data entered and up to date also makes tax preparation manageable. Over the years I have talked to other Reiki business owners who would have to spend hours organizing all the data from the prior year to give to their accountant. Reiki inspired me with one of my secrets to success. As my finances allowed, I hired others to do increasingly more, freeing myself to concentrate on giving Reiki, writing about Reiki, and teaching Reiki classes.

Sitting down to write out the checks and the estimated payments is another opportunity to utilize Reiki to calm the feelings of dread and thoughts that I am giving away all my earnings. When I activate Reiki and then write out the checks, I can shift my mind to a sense of gratitude that I earned enough to be able to contribute to the government.

Finally, a most obvious thing to do is to send Reiki to your tax preparation time. With Reiki, something that was difficult can seem much more manageable. It reminds me of the song, “Just a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down.” Reiki is the sugar that helps to make tax preparation palatable.

Karen Harrison is a Co-Director of the Licensed Teacher Training Program for the ICRT and practices and teaches Reiki as a Holy Fire II Licensed Reiki Master Teacher for the ICRT in Leawood, Kansas. She is also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor. Karen can be contacted by email at or through her website at

New Book Just ReleasedReiki and Children
Reiki and Children
CP409 $14.95

A selection of 27 articles from the Reiki News Magazine. Includes Reiki for Pregnancy and Childbirth. Children who have received Reiki before and after birth are more open and caring toward others and tend to be peacemakers among their playmates. They also benefit from the knowledge that there is something beautiful inside themselves which can heal and help solve problems and provide guidance during difficult times. Learn more.


Reiki at Stonehenge

Reiki at Stonehenge

Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master Training
May 22-24, 2018 - Glastonbury, UK

Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® Master Training
May 29-31, 2018 - Glastonbury, UK

William Lee Rand

Seven Day Training

Seven Day Inward Bound
Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master
Teacher Training on Maui

Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master Training
Aug 15-21, 2018 - Hana, Maui, HI

Entrance gate

Special Reiki Classes on Kurama Yama, Japan
Kurama Yama is the mountain where Usui sensei had
his meditative experience and was given the gift of Reiki.

Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master Training
September 16-23, 2018 - Kurama, Japan

Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® Master Training
September 23-30, 2018 - Kurama, Japan

William Lee Rand and Colleen Benelli

Reiki Retreats 2018

This year we will feature two Reiki Retreats; one for the East coast and one for the West Coast. Click on the links to read about all the exciting activities.

Honor's Haven
Honor's Haven
June 22-25 - Ellenville, New York

Sedona Mago Retreat Center
August 31-September 3 - Sedona, Arizona

Reiki Stories*Reiki Stories

Reiki and Two-Story Fall
In July 10 of this year I fell two stories onto concrete while practicing a rope rescue technique. Luckily my friends surrounded me. A friend I took Reiki I and II with immediately placed her hands on me, before I even thought about what was happening. I was able to be transported by private vehicle to the hospital, and experienced minimal pain. The emergency room physician was very surprised to see my X-rays. My left ankle was fractured and dislocated and I had suffered a T-12 compression fracture. Despite this, my ankle was not swollen and was mobile with a good pulse. I required no narcotic analgesics until transfer to a trauma facility one hour away.

Reiki, along with aromatherapy, massage, and yoga, continues to be an important part of my recovery. Thanks to Heather, my teachers, and the great Reiki masters for the great healing.

—Amy Fierro

Dog’s Broken Back and Hip Healed
One evening while reading the paper, I suddenly heard a dog from across the street begin to yelp and howl loudly.

I looked up and saw Toots, the neighbors’ five-month old black Lab puppy (who was well known for having more energy than sense), lying under their car in the driveway. As I ran over to see what the trouble was, the woman shrieked she had run over the dog. As she ran in the house to get her husband, Toots was lying on the ground and was unable to move anything below her midsection. She was still howling loudly, and was clearly in a lot of pain. As I placed my hands gently on Toots’ hip and abdomen, I connected with the Reiki energy and asked Archangel Raphael, the Archangel of Healing, to intervene in this accident and ensure that the angelic kingdoms provide this Reiki energy to Toots for as long as she needed it. I immediately felt a sort of twist in my solar plexus (my way of knowing that my prayer has been heard), followed by a tremendous surge of energy flowing through my forearms and hands. Within a few seconds, Toots stopped howling and began to lick my arms. I took this to mean that she was no longer in pain. As soon as the husband came out, he and their twelve-year old son gently lifted Toots onto a blanket and put her in the back of their station wagon for a quick ride to the vet. About two hours later, the boy came over to say that Toots had been X-rayed and her hips were crushed, she had many internal injuries, and she would be kept overnight for observation. She wasn’t expected to live through the night. As I went to bed, I invoked the distant Reiki symbol, created a cocoon of golden energy around Toots, and placed all eight Tera Mai Reiki symbols in the cocoon to continue working for as long as she required them. When I awoke the next morning, I again invoked the distant Reiki symbol and sent this to her once more. That afternoon, the boy came over to tell me that Toots had somehow lived through the night, and was now able to wag her tail a bit. Toots came home three days later and was walking again, and without any cast or bandages! Sure, she had a pretty bad limp, but she was walking! Two weeks later, she was running and jumping like a normal puppy, and you couldn’t tell a bit she had miraculously healed herself of a broken hip and multiple internal injuries, thanks to the help of Reiki and the intervention of the higher dimensions.

—Howard Batie

Reiki Heals Bird
This is an incident which occurred when I did Reiki Level I way back in 1997. My son, who was then four years old, and I went to our garage to take our bicycles for a ride. To our surprise we found a bird lying down, unable to flap its wings and making a feeble attempt to fly. I said to my son, “Let’s give Reiki,” and I went ahead and without touching the bird gave Reiki. Lo and behold, after some time it flapped its wings energetically and flew off!

Both of us were pleasantly surprised and happy, too. My son now knows what Reiki can do, and often when he is tired or has any pains due to play or whatever, or before going to sleep, asks me to give him Reiki. This has left an impression which he will remember throughout. I have so many live examples to share but this should convince other first-timers to seek and experience Reiki to have full conviction on the effectiveness of Reiki in day-to-day life. Love and Light.

—T. S. Srinivasan, Secunderabad, India

Taking Flight
This little story happened on a Thursday morning about 7:50 am. I got to work with two other people and found a gray dove not moving in the entranceway of our building. The two went around the bird and entered for work. I examined the bird the best I could. It had several ruffled feathers and wasn’t moving much except its eyes. I looked around and decided that I had to help it.

I gave the bird some Reiki without touching it. After two minutes it turned its head and looked at me and then flew off. I felt so good seeing it fly off. Thank you for helping gain confidence in myself and in the Reiki way.

—Nancy Allain

Reiki and Bee Sting
My friend and I were preparing dinner one night in September, 2002 when a bee flew in the window and got stuck in a plastic bag. When I got it out, it flew against my friend’s hand and stung him. My friend is allergic to bee stings. I removed the stinger and he went to get his antihistamine tablets. By now his hand had swollen already and a red rash was moving up his arm. To his shock, he could not find his anti-allergic tablets and started to panic. I immediately started to give him Reiki and worked with the SHK to clear the poison. The energy was warm and it felt like water running through my hands. I used one of Dr. Usui’s treatment methods after a while for clearing poison out of somebody, and asked my friend to visualize the poison going out of his body, leaving at his feet. We did this for about ten minutes. To my amazement, the red rash moved back down his arm and after twenty minutes of Reiki the swelling was down and there was no burning in the hand! Reiki works, and I thank the Divine for blessing me with this gift of healing.

—Gideon Craucamp, Pretoria, South Africa

Reiki for Building Construction
I am working in Tamilnadu, India. I was planning to start constructing my own house a year ago. I worked out the sketch and finished other formalities and started constructing the house around February, 2002. Normally an engineer will take a period of nine to twelve months to construct a 1000-square-foot house. I regularly gave Reiki to finish the house at the earliest and in good quality with a reasonable price. Amazingly, Reiki helped me in many ways to complete the house within a short period of five months and the way I expected. Thank you, Reiki, and the friends helping me along the way.

—Saravanan C.

* Some Reiki Stories may have been previously published in Reiki News Magazine.

Do You Have a Reiki Story?
If you've used Reiki to heal or achieve a goal, our readers would like to know about it. Please write your Reiki story in a similar format as those above and send it in using our secure form.