Robin H Fuerst
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Robin Fuerst
Senior Reiki Master Teacher, Holy Fire® III
Teaches Holy Fire® III Reiki
Current Classes
Phone: (509) 432-6873
Facilitating classes in Oregon, Washington, North Dakota, Idaho, Montana and Vancouver, BC.
About Robin
Hi, my name is Robin and I offer many pathways to those seeking health, peace and healing in their lives, the primary path being a journey with Reiki. My mission as a healing teacher is to be of service to you by helping you to joyfully transform the energy in your life!
I am passionate about teaching Reiki as one of the Usui Holy Fire® and Holy Fire® Karuna Licensed Reiki Master Teachers with the ICRT. I would be honored to work with you as a Reiki student and/or client.
In addition to my Reiki skills I am also a Certified Labyrinth Facilitator, and Ordained Minister in the Temple of Light. I have a doctorate in clinical pharmacy with 30 years experience teaching and practicing in the hospital environment. I am a life-long member of the Lutheran and now Presbyterian church. So I “speak” both traditional medical and religious language, as well as complementary healing and spirituality language. Because of my diverse background I am called to bridge the gap that can exist between these areas. Because of my varied experiences, I bring a unique set of skills to each Reiki class and session. I started on this journey of complementary healing options in 1999
My Reiki Journey
The Universe sat me on my butt, figuratively and literally, in a skiing accident where I jammed my hip bone under my sacrum in 1991. It is interesting for me to note the word sacrum comes from the Greek root meaning holy or sacred. This event certainly started me on a journey of growth and discovering, beyond my traditional medical and religious or spiritual training and experiences!
After eight years of chronic pain and “surviving” between chiropractic and massage appointments, a new massage therapist I was seeing for my back and pelvic pain from this accident noted massage gave me temporary relief, and thought something called Reiki could penetrate deeper, producing longer lasting results. She gave me some information to read on Reiki. While I was reading it, my hands started getting warm and pulsing, almost like my heart was beating in my hands. Intrigued, I took her advice, scheduled 3 Reiki sessions 3 days in a row that week, and was pain free for the first time in years. I was hooked on Reiki! In January 2000 I took the traditional Usui / Tibetan Reiki I and then II training so I could use Reiki on myself whenever I needed it. My initial intension was to only use Reiki on myself and close family and friends.
In July 2000, it just seemed natural to take Advanced Reiki Training and Reiki Master Training. I also completed Master Teacher training in Sekhem-Seichim Reiki in August 2000. My focus shifted to becoming a Reiki Teacher in addition to being a Practitioner. I became a Karuna Reiki Practitioner and Master in July 2001 and a Reiki Drumming Practitioner in February 2003.
I was inspired to apply to the ICRT Licensed Teacher program in December of 2006, knowing that it was usually a year or more wait for a spot to open. To my surprise, I was accepted into the program in February 2007 because of an unexpected cancelation, and was fully licensed through the Karuna level in 2012. I am excited to be teaching and practicing Holy Fire® Reiki starting in April 2014.
During this time period of Reiki training and study, life continued to happen. I really wonder how people make it through major life events without Reiki! It has helped me through two car accidents, surgery, divorce and many other situations with its strong yet gentle healing energy.
Reiki has also helped me integrate “ health and peace within …” The holistic approach of healing mind, body & spirit through Reiki is continually transforming my life!
Other Complementary Training
With my shift in focus to practicing and teaching Reiki in 2001, I started a professional clairvoyant consultant and ministry program to enhance my skills. This year long program was one of intense personal and spiritual growth for me, as well as expanding my complementary healing skills. I became a minister in the Temple of Light in June 2002.
During this same time period, I was introduced to the labyrinth at a Holden Village Winter Women’s Retreat. Part of my love of the labyrinth is kindled by the direct connection to spirit I experience while walking. As I started my labyrinth journey, it was the only way to quiet my “monkey mind” and settle into a meditative state. If I tried to sit and meditate during this time, my body assumed it was time to sleep. I find the labyrinth is also a very flexible spiritual tool and symbol, it seems to graciously meet and invite people to take their next step on their journey as a spiritual being in this human body.
By February 2000 I was chairperson of the labyrinth committee at Trinity Lutheran Church in Pullman, WA. We embarked on a dream of having a permanent outdoor labyrinth next to the church. Trinity Community Labyrinth is 80 feet across in size and is currently spray painted on a dark gravel surface. In August of 2002 I went to Grace Cathedral in San Francisco for labyrinth facilitator training. I became a certified labyrinth facilitator in March 2003 through Grace Cathedral and Rev Dr Lauen Artress. Through co-leading and participating in labyrinth and beadwork seminars for 5 years prior to moving to Bend, OR, I have learned to make jewelry which I infuse with Reiki energy.
I also completed a Medicine for the Earth workshop from a friend, Cindy who was studying shamanism with Sandra Ingerman in 2004; Introduction to Health Intuition Intensive with Karen Grace Kassy in February 2005; and Matrix Energetics Level 1 & 2 certification seminar in May 2008. After moving to Bend, OR, I became a Oneness Blessings giver (Deeksha) in 2011. Most recently, I completed a 200 hour Yoga teacher training intensive July 2012.
Currently I live in Bend, OR and am the sole proprietor of Healing Journey Options. I serve as a mentor for the Reiki Prayer team at First Presbyterian Church. I also volunteer as my schedule permits at the Oncology Clinic at St Charles Healthcare System. I enjoy hiking, biking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, singing, drumming, reading and spending time with friends & family.
Bend is a beautiful place to learn Reiki and enjoy the gifts of nature!
My Philosophy
Life is an incredible journey in which we are continually challenged to learn and grow through the many experiences we have, helping those around us do the same. Through this process we change, heal and transform in the direction of becoming more loving, compassionate, kind, and understanding, so we can be a healing presence in this world. I enjoy combining my variety of skills to be of service to humanity and the planet in this sacred journey of life!
Blessings for your healing journey,
For more information, check out my website:
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To register for a class visit Robin's website
Online Classes
Please note, classes listed as Online maybe taught online or in person.
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