The Reiki Story Book

If you need a pick-me-up, open this book and read a few stories.
In it, you’ll discover how Reiki has uplifted and refreshed
people by turning difficulties into success and happiness.
—William Lee Rand, Reiki Master
Reiki is a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction that also promotes healing. The client lays fully clothed on a massage table. A practitioner administers Reiki through the hands by placing them slightly away from the body or by lightly touching. The hand positions used are around the head and shoulders, abdomen, knees and feet. Reiki is a spiritual energy that flows from the hands of the practitioner into the client’s physical body, aura and chakras. Many have reported healing experiences and some have said that Reiki has been the only thing that has helped.
Used in conjunction with regular medical care, Reiki provides help for those simply needing to relax. However, it has also helped those with serious conditions such as cancer, heart disease, infections, recovery from surgery or other medical procedures, physical injuries and disabilities, anxiety and stress including psychological issues and problems of any kind. Well-designed, placebo-controlled scientific studies have verified the validity of Reiki’s effectiveness.
The deep relaxation Reiki provides is extraordinary in its ability to quickly transform physical tension as well as fear and anxiety into feelings of relaxation, safety, peace and serenity. Furthermore, anyone can easily learn the Reiki technique in a weekend class and be able to give Reiki to themselves or others. The stories in this book were written by those who have received Reiki sessions and by Reiki therapists who shared their experiences giving Reiki to people and animals. Reiki News Magazine is the original publisher of these stories.