Reiki Online Newsletter - April 2017

Table of Contents

William Lee RandIt is my pleasure to send you the April 2017 edition of our Reiki Online Newsletter. Clicking on the links in the table of contents takes you directly to each item. To return just click on the "Return to Contents" link at the end of each section or the back arrow in your browser. I would enjoy your input so we can make this newsletter even more informative and valuable. Feel free use the input form link toward the end of the newsletter to send any comments, questions, information or Reiki Stories that you would like to share with other Reiki people.

Note: Only 1 or 2 articles from the hard copy Reiki News magazine 
appear in this online newsletter. To read all articles, please subscribe.

Following the Reiki LightTemple Beaming Light
The Importance of Having a Positive Attitude Toward Other Reiki Masters
by William Lee Rand 

As Reiki Masters, it is important for us to be focused on the Reiki energy and use it as a source of empowerment and guidance in all we do. By doing this, we honor the path we have chosen and also make use of the beneficial resources it provides. As we look up into the Reiki light and seek to follow it back to the source, our essential nature is purified and we are taken into higher dimensions of awareness. This enables us to solve our problems and live our lives with ever increasing effectiveness in a way that is healing and uplifting for all those we interact with.

We are truly blessed to have access to the amazing energy of Reiki and to be able to receive the abundant life-giving benefits it provides, but it is important that we choose to do so. The foundation of higher consciousness is free will and because of this, if we are to benefit from the blessings Reiki offers, it is necessary for us to choose to make use of them. And since we still have egos, Reiki is not the only choice that is available to us. Our lower nature may entice us to act in a way that does not come from the wisdom of Reiki so it is important for us to always be aware of this possibility and to choose the higher path.

Whenever you are confronted with a problem or issue, the best solution is to look up ever more intently into the Reiki light. Allow it to permeate your entire being and radiate out through you to the whole world. By doing this, all your blocks, your doubts and worries and your limiting thoughts and feelings will be broken up and blown away. Just do it right now! Look up. 

Making the choice to let go of the ego as a source of guidance and to follow the Reiki light will take trust in order to get started. But as we do so, the experience and the positive results will show that it was a wise choice. And as we continue, we will be lifted ever higher and we will enter the awareness that there is no limit to the good that can come from the loving energy of Reiki.

If we are to follow this path, we must use the example of the Reiki energy that is open to working with everyone who chooses to use its energy. If Reiki honors all people, so too is it important for us to do the same. Because of this, it is always important to have a positive attitude toward other Reiki Masters. To do otherwise is to go against the nature of Reiki energy and make it more difficult for Reiki to achieve its purpose. After all, if we do not seek to create harmony between ourselves and other Reiki Masters, then how can we expect to bring harmony to the lives of our clients and to the people of the earth? 

It is important to consider that regardless of lineage, school or type of Reiki practiced, if we accept the Reiki energy to be our guide, then we are all on the same team. We are all working to fulfill the purpose of Reiki, which is to heal ourselves and others.

If Reiki is to help us heal each other and solve the serious problems and difficulties our planet faces, then it is important that Reiki Masters have a positive regard toward each other and work together in harmony. Only then will it be possible to channel the healing energy necessary to create the wave of positive transformation that is needed by our planet to bring peace and well-being to the people of the earth. Furthermore, only by setting a good example can we expect others to take us seriously when promoting Reiki as a healing method. 

It must be kept in mind that if someone bothers us and we feel it necessary to say negative things about that person, it usually means that we are projecting our own dissatisfaction toward ourselves onto someone else. If we find ourselves wanting to do something like this, it’s important to stop before we say or do anything and look at our own life and also inside ourselves to see what is really bothering us. Have we recently experienced an unwanted outcome with our work or personal life that is causing us distress? And do we have parts within us that are similar to what we believe we are seeing in the other person? To do this type of introspection takes courage and a sincere desire to heal ourselves no matter what. If we are honest with ourselves, often we will find that something isn’t going well for us and that we have those same issues inside ourselves we are seeing in others. If this is the case, then it is important to take the steps necessary to heal those issues within ourselves as this is the real cause of our distress. Also, it is important to realize that while it is often difficult to convince others that they need to heal, we do have the ability as well as the responsibility to heal ourselves. 

When we are able to transform our negative projections toward others into our own deep healing, we will have entered a higher level of consciousness and the pace of our own healing will accelerate. In addition, by disrupting the projection mechanism within ourselves, a tremendous burden will have been removed from our life and we will experience a wonderful new feeling of freedom.

The rewards of accepting this level of healing are great, and in addition to experiencing the many benefits in our own life, we will also be contributing in a significant way to the healing of the planet; when we raise our own vibration we raise the vibration of conditions on earth as well! This deep healing will also have a positive influence on the quality of the healing work that we do and the level of teaching that we provide to our students. 

Because Reiki comes from an infinite source, it is always possible for us to experience ever higher levels of healing and benefit from the Reiki energy we channel. It is just a matter of looking up into the flow of Reiki energy as it comes to us and allow it to empower and guide us to the next step, the next lesson, the next level of healing. May the beauty and wonder of Reiki provide you with ever greater experiences of love, peace and joy.

Interesting Facts about Reiki
Mataji KawakamiQuestions and Answers
by William Lee Rand

Q. Was Mikao Usui Sensei the originator of Reiki as a healing method? 

A. While we honor Usui Sensei as the originator of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he was not the original person to begin using Reiki in this way. And in fact, during the time he developed his healing method, there were already at least four other Reiki healing methods in use in Japan. One of them was called Reiki Ryoho and was developed by Mataji Kawakami in 1914, eight years before Usui Sensei developed his healing method. Furthermore, in 1919, Mataji Kawakami wrote a book titled Reiki Healing and Its Effects, and it is possible that Usui Sensei read this book as it is interesting that he referred to his healing method using the same two words except to add his name to it. This information comes to us from Hiroshi Doi Sensei and Toshitaka Mochitzuki Sensei.

Q. Is Reiki a system in which the energy is whole and complete in its current form or is this energy something that has a higher potential and can be developed further? 

A. According to Hiroshi Doi Sensei who is a member of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, which is the Reiki organization Usui Sensei started, the most important thing for a Reiki practitioner or teacher to do is to continue to develop the quality and effectiveness of one’s Reiki energy. Usui Sensei believed that Reiki energy could continue to be developed and one of the methods he recommended to do this was for a student to receive as many Reijus or attunements (also called Placements or Ignitions) as possible. In addition, Usui Sensei asked Chujiro Hayashi Sensei to develop Reiki further, which he did by developing the Reiju process.

Q. Is Usui Reiki the only system of Reiki available or are there other systems? 

A. Yes, there are other systems. One of them is called Usui/Holy Fire Reiki and was introduced to me in part because of my acceptance of the idea that ever higher and more effective Reiki energies are possible. To read about what people have said about Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, please click here.

The Holy Fire Reiki PrincipalsHoly Fire Reiki
by Laurelle Gaia

I love and live by the original Reiki principals of Usui Sensei, but for the most part, they tell us what not to do. I was inspired to create a set of principals based on action statements. Please read them and decide if you like them enough to begin saying them each day. I would love to know how you feel about them. Please take the time to practice them and then let me know how they work for you. You can email me at


Be here now and be peaceful and calm
Be courageous and strong
Focus on your life purpose
Be grateful for everything in life
Be kind to yourself and all living things
Respect all spiritual practices
And all teachers who lived before you
Focus and follow the Spirit of Love
Be honest in everything you say and do
Be love

Reiki Classes in Glastonbury, England
with Ignition at StonehengeAbbey Retreat House

by William Lee Rand

Glastonbury has a mystical history going back into the mists of time. Sacred sites and power spots surround this small town in Somerset, England, and their spiritual energies weave together to create a nurturing ambiance of peacefulness and joy that permeates the entire area. Considered to be the heart chakra of the world and an entrance point into higher dimensions, its special features draw healers and other spiritual pilgrims from all over the world.

I’m teaching four classes in Glastonbury which is also known as The Ancient Isle of Avalon. And in fact, I’m been teaching here every year since 1998. To read more about Glastonbury, click here.

Glastonbury Classes
Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master May 15-19, 2017
Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master May 22-26, 2017

Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® May 29-June 02, 2017
Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® June 05-09, 2017

Entrance Gate

Special Reiki Classes on Kurama Yama, Japan
Kurama Yama is the mountain where Usui sensei had
his meditative experience and was given the gift of Reiki. 

Usui/Holy Fire II ART/Master Training
September 15-21, 2017 - Kurama, Japan

Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® Master Training
September 22-28, 2017 - Kurama, Japan

William Lee Rand and Colleen Benelli

Beaming Reiki Masters

The Beaming Reiki Masters

This picture was taken on November 17, 1991 at a Reiki Master Class I taught at the home of Barbara Busch in Toledo, Ohio. The class members projected the Reiki Power symbol into the camera and intended that all who were in the presence of the resultant picture would receive a Reiki treatment. This picture has been found to emit a powerful uplifting healing energy. Place it in front of you or carry it with you to receive its benefits. The students are from left to right: Barbara E. Busch, Vicki Andryc, Karen L. Hazelton, Gloria S. Moorehead, William L. Rand, Linda Lee Herr, Jennifer Lynne Shultz, Lois Bisbee. The photo also was placed on the back cover of my I & II manual and it is still there!

Reiki StoriesReiki Stories

Reiki Heals Knee
One of my clients had just finished a CrossFit® session at the gym before racing to the clinic for her massage appointment. As she limped in, I noticed that her knee had some bruising and swelling. I asked her what had happened and she told me that she hit her knee with a dumbbell bar. I worked with her for about 40 minutes. At that point, I took another look at her knee and saw that it was turning black and had swollen to twice the size of her other one. I told her that I could not massage it but that I could do Reiki on it. She said, “Okay.” 

I started working on her knee with the Reiki energy. After 25 minutes of Reiki, the swelling had stopped and had even lessened. She felt no pain whatsoever and walked out as though she had never injured her knee at all. The woman in the office who had seen my client come in could not believe what she was seeing. My client returned the next week with a perfectly fine knee. She told me how amazed she had been last week to see that the Reiki had worked the way it did. 


Reiki Heals Ulcer
I am a 2nd degree Reiki practitioner from Delhi, India and was attuned by Mr. RK Verma at Janakpuri. When I had just my 1st degree, my mother was suffering from a mouth ulcer that had left a black-colored strip on the inside of her cheek. The doctor had prescribed aloe vera juice and some other medicines and was sure than if it did not heal soon, it could become cancerous in a few years. I performed Reiki healing on both of my mother’s cheeks for around 10 minutes before letting her go to sleep. At that time, I was not sure myself that it would work, but the next morning when my mother looked at the inside lining of her cheek in the mirror, the black mark was completely gone. We were so happy and shocked at the same time! I gave her Reiki for a few days more and by that time, all the irritation and pain in her cheek was completely gone. Many years have passed and my mother has not had any signs of an ulcer since. I am glad that I learned Reiki. 


Dead Dog Lives for Six More Years
My little black and tan dachshund dog had been living with me for ten years. When it would get cold in the winter, he would climb up and sleep in my bed until he got toasty warm. Then I would pick him and put him to sleep in his own bed. 

But this night, things would be totally different. When I went to move him, instead of being toasty warm, he was ice cold and stiff as a board. His eyes were open but fixed and his tongue was lolling out. There was no respiration. Having been raised on a farm, I knew that he was dead but I just couldn’t accept this. I picked him up and tried to stand him up three different times. Each time he fell over. Then I ran the Reiki Power symbol over his body three times. I suddenly felt something like electricity run from my elbows, down my arm, into his body. Then I tried to get him to stand up three more times. The first two times he fell over again, but the third time there was movement. He tried to stand up but had trouble. Then on the fourth attempt to get him to walk, he did!

My dachshund lived for six more years until he was sixteen years old. I do not take any credit for raising this dog from the dead. It was the power of Reiki that did it. 

—James King

Reiki Heals Hurt Paw
We had gone out to dinner with our friends. When we got back to their home, their 70 lb. beautiful white dog named Duke jumped up to greet his owner John. When he came down, he landed on some weights that were lying on the floor. He immediately cried out in pain and began limping badly. John was visibly upset and immediately said he would have to take him to the vet because “Duke never cries.” I said, “Hold on a minute. Can I give him some Reiki?” I knelt down to Duke and took his injured paw and asked him “Duke, can I give you some Reiki to help you feel better?” Immediately, I could feel the Reiki flowing, and as soon as Duke felt it, he handed me his other paw! John was standing nearby, watching the whole thing in amazement. Duke relaxed into the Reiki, and I said to him, “You just let me know how much you want and then I will stop.” He then laid his head down onto my lap and just relaxed even more deeply. After about five minutes, Duke got up and was totally fine—no more limping or anything. 

Later that evening, as we were leaving to go back to our hotel, I went over and said good-bye to Duke and told him I was going. He held out his paw to me as if to say “Thank you for the Reiki.” It was so awesome to feel that from him. 

When I got back to the hotel, John called me to say, “I don’t know what you did to Duke, but it was totally awesome, almost magical.” And I was able to talk to him about Reiki. A few days later, our friend Tom, who had had a stroke and had been present at John’s that night, watching the whole thing with Duke, said, “Whatever you did to Duke was amazing. He is as good as gold.” I then had the opportunity to tell Tom about Reiki and assured him that I would send him some.  It was truly a magical experience, one that I will never forget. 

—Mickey Azar

Do You Have a Reiki Story?
If you've used Reiki to heal or achieve a goal, our readers would like to know about it. Please write your Reiki story in a similar format as those above and send it in using our secure form.