Reiki News Winter 2002

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Honoring All Reiki Schools and Lineages
The Reiki News Magazine is a 80-page full color glossy magazine containing articles on every aspect of Reiki practice written by some of the most knowledgeable and experienced Reiki people on the planet. Below is a synopsis of the current issue.
Welcome . . .
to the winter issue of the Reiki News Magazine. Our purpose in publishing the magazine is to provide you with inspiration as well as new ideas and techniques so your practice of Reiki can be more fulfilling and beneficial - to you as well as those you treat. By calling on Reiki to guide this process and by continually searching for the very best writers and giving them the freedom and encouragement to produce their best work, we remain focused on fulfilling that purpose. Check the amazing list of articles below. This issue is both exciting and practical!
Here is a list of the articles in this issue:
Reiki and the Human Energy System
by Diane Ruth Shewmaker
This article provides a through description of the aura including the purpose and function of each of the light bodies and how they relate to ones health and state of consciousness. It also explains how to use Reiki to heal the HES. Included is a diagram of the HES and a method for opening the central column of light.
Reiki and Chakra Healing
by Walter Lübeck
Walter shares some of his best thinking and experience in this article about Reiki/Chakra work. He includes information on each chakra, as well as how to use healing stones and Reiki to heal and balance the chakras. Included is a unique method of combining Reiki and healing stones. The information in this article is a must for anyone wanting accurate and useful information on this important subject.
Detecting, Sensing and Seeing the Aura and Chakras
by Penelope Quest
One of the best ways to understand the human energy system is by experiencing it. And if one is to become skilled in using Reiki to healing the HES, one must develop the ability to sense it. Penelope shows how anyone can become aware of the aura and charkas by using some simple techniques. This is a must for those wanting to work with the HES.
Science and the Human Energy Field
by James Oschman, Ph.D.
Dr. Oschman is an expert on the scientific understanding of hands-on healing and the existence of the human energy field. He presents information about energy medicine in a way that is easy to understand. The clarity and depth of his perspective helps us view healing in a whole new light. This article is a must for anyone wanting a logical and scientific explanation of Reiki and is an excellent reference for those wanting to take Reiki into hospitals or clinics.
Soul Level Chakras and the Peace Breath
by Laurelle Shanti Gaia
Laurelle sheds light on the charkas above and below the physical body and shows how to heal and develop them. This is a wonderful article that helps us connect to the deeper levels of our being and awaken to a more profound level of awareness.
Reiki and Fertility
by Mari Hall
This is a wonderful story about a couple who were both infertile and how Reiki helped them conceive and give birth to a child. Mari treated them from before conception, through pregnancy and at the time of delivery. She provides important details of the treatment including ways Reiki was used to help on both psychological and physical levels. This is a great article for anyone interested in this important topic.
This is an exciting and valuable issue that will supply you with entertainment as well as quality information and instruction. If you have any suggestions on how the magazine could be improved, I'd be very happy to hear them.
The world is a wonderful place, filled with continual changes which bring with them a never ending supply of opportunities. May you grow in the ability to allow the wisdom of Reiki to guide how you create your life.
Love and peace to you and the world.
William Lee Rand,