Reiki News Summer 2012

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Honoring All Reiki Schools and Lineages
The Reiki News Magazine is a 80-page full color glossy magazine containing articles on every aspect of Reiki practice written by some of the most knowledgeable and experienced Reiki people on the planet. Below is a synopsis of the current issue.
Welcome . . .
to the Summer issue of the Reiki News Magazine. Our purpose in publishing the magazine is to provide you with inspiration as well as new ideas and techniques so your practice of Reiki can be more fulfilling and beneficial - to you as well as those you treat. By calling on Reiki to guide this process and by continually searching for the very best writers and giving them the freedom and encouragement to produce their best work, we remain focused on fulfilling that purpose. Check the amazing list of articles below. This issue is both exciting and practical!
Here is a list of the articles in this issue:
Are Things Getting Better?
by William Lee Rand
The picture many people have of the world is that conditions are getting worse and that the age old prophecies of doom are about to unfold. But could it be possible that things are actually getting better? Current research says they are.
Reiki Heals the Imagination
by Colleen Benelli
Imagination is a mental ability that can be used to improve our lives or to make them worse. In this article, Colleen shows how to activate the imagination in a healthy way to enhance your creativity, receive guidance and produce prosperity, health and well-being.
Clients as Mirrors: Money and Boundaries
by Deb Karpek
By carefully observing our Reiki clients, we can learn from them. Money and boundaries are important areas of life and in this article Deb shares insights and healing methods she's learned from operating her Reiki business.
Reiki for Dogs
by Kathleen Prasad
Dogs make wonderful friends and companions. They are very aware and in many ways know more than we know. Yet, they require awareness and sensitivity from us if we are to interact with them on a spiritual level. In this article, Kathleen explains the basics of how to give Reiki sessions to dogs.
Reiki Helps Dogs at Camp Lucy
by Leslie Russell
In this article Leslie shares how she and her son donated time giving Reiki sessions to dogs for donations to raise money for a dog rescue organization. Included are Reiki stories about the healing experiences of several of the dogs who were treated.
Using Reiki for Self-Care
by Raven Keyes
Many Reiki practitioners are very active in providing Reiki sessions for others. But if we are to provide quality care, it's important that we take care of ourselves first. Raven explains why this is so important and how to do it.
Using Reiki for Specific Illnesses: Anemia, Angina and Back Pain
by Mari Hall
Mari draws on her many years of experience to explain the importance of personal preparation before giving a Reiki session and what to do and look for when interacting with a client. She also describes Reiki techniques for working with specific illnesses and conditions.
Reiki and Nursing
by Kathie Lipinski, RN, MSN, CH
Nurses can benefit from Reiki, both as a method of maintaining their own health while working in what can often be a stress-filled hospital environment and as a treatment to give to their patients. In this article, Kathie draws on her experience as both a nurse and Reiki practitioner to provide useful information on this topic.
Healing Migraine Headaches with Reiki
by Jo Brennan, LMT
Migraine headaches can cause serious disability and are often difficult to treat, even when using prescription medications and other medical methods. In this article, Jo explains how to interact with migraine clients and also explains how she uses Reiki to achieve a 100% effectiveness rate in relieving symptoms.
Reiki is the Solution: Healing Empathic Issues
by Maryellen Nardomarino, PT
Being empathic can be a blessing and a curse. On the one hand it allows one to actually experience what another person is feeling, but on the other, it can be the cause of unnecessary pain and difficulties. In this article, Maryellen shows how she uses Reiki to heal her energy field and create the ultimate solution for her empathic issues.
The Tenderness of Reiki
by Susannah Spanton
A Reiki session received from a nurse friend while recovering from back surgery led Susannah to become a Reiki practitioner and teacher. In this article she explains her process and shares several Reiki stories about the people she has treated.
Reiki Stories
This is an exciting and valuable issue that will supply you with entertainment as well as quality information and instruction. If you have any suggestions on how the magazine could be improved, I'd be very happy to hear them.
The world is a wonderful place, filled with continual changes which bring with them a never ending supply of opportunities. May you grow in the ability to allow the wisdom of Reiki to guide how you create your life.
Love and peace to you and the world.
William Lee Rand,