Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® - Seoul, Korea - 9/22/23


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홀리파이어® III 온라인 카루나 레이키®트레이닝
월드피스 레이키를 온라인/대면으로 가르치는 법 배우기 한

국, 서울에서 대면 수업 
2023년 9월 22-24일
금요일 8:30am - 6:30pm
토요일 9:00am - 6:30pm
일요일 9:00am - 6:30pm

수업  $1470 USD

한국어 통역이 제공되는 영어 수업

레이키 수업을 온라인으로 가르치기
이 기사에서 윌리엄은 온라인 교육을 위해 개발한 테크닉에 대해 설명합니다.

월드피스 레이키의 탄생
이 기사에서 윌리엄은 월드피스 레이키의 본질을 설명합니다.

사용 후기
Read what 숙련된 레이키 마스터들이 온라인 레이키 수업을 듣는 것에 대해 언급한 후기들을 읽어보십시오

이 클래스에는 이전 홀리파이어® III 에너지보다 훨씬 더 강력하고 효과적인 새롭게 업그레이드된 홀리파이어® III 월드피스 레이키 에너지가 포함됩니다. 그것은 당신이 레이키 수업을 온라인과 대면으로 가르칠 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 더 효과적으로 세계 평화를 위해 레이키를 보낼 수 있게 해줄 것입니다.
더 읽어보기

자격이 되는 사람
어떤 계보이든 레이키 마스터인 사람

윌리엄 리 랜드 

이 수업은 홀리파이어 ® III 월드피스 레이키를 포함합니다. 

홀리파이어®III 월드피스 카루나 레이키® 트레이닝
이 수업은 레이키 마스터 다음 단계이며 실무자이자 마스터 수업입니다. 당신은 이 수업을 온라인 또는 대면으로 가르칠 수 있을 것입니다. 수업을 들으면 레이키 세션에서 카루나 상징들을 사용하여 홀리파이어®III 월드피스 카루나 레이키® 수업을 가르칠 수 있습니다. 또한 레이키 I&II와 레이키 마스터 수업을 홀리파이어®III 월드피스 온라인 또는 대면 수업으로 가르칠 수 있습니다. (단, ICRT 교사로부터 이 수업들을 들은 후에 강의하는 것이 더 쉽습니다.). 8개의 실무 상징들, 1개의 마스터 상징, 4개의 이그니션 및 2개의 명상들로 구성되어 있으며, 이는 홀리파이어® 에너지에 의해 직접 안내됩니다.

플레이스먼트 및 점화는 어튠먼트와 동일합니다
플레이스먼트 및 이그니션은 기존의 손을 올리는 방식의 어튠먼트보다 훨씬 쉽습니다. 이를 통해 이 수준의 레이키를 가르치는 것이 훨씬 쉬워집니다. 수업 시간에 시범을 보이고 연습할 필요가 없기 때문입니다. 또한, 플레이스먼트/이그니션 시스템은 학생들에게 더 효과적인 레이키 레벨을 제공하고 더 효과적인 치유 에너지로 상징에 힘을 실어줍니다. 이그니션 과정에서 교사의 에너지는 경험에서 완전히 벗어나 순수하고 강력한 형태의 에너지가 학생과 직접 상호 작용할 수 있습니다. 이그니션 및 플레이스먼트는 수업 시간에 철저히 설명되고 시연되며, 카루나 레이키® 매뉴얼에 명확하게 설명되어 있습니다.

4개의 카루나® I 상징에 대한 간략한 설명은 다음과 같습니다: 첫 번째 상징은 클라이언트가 깊은 치유를 할 수 있도록 준비하며 과거의 삶의 문제에 유용합니다. 그것은 카르마와 세포 수준에서 깊이 자리잡은 문제들을 방출하도록 돕습니다. 두 번째 상징은 깊게 치유되고 우리가 무의식적으로 우리 자신을 진실로부터 격리시키기 위해 사용하는 부정적인 패턴을 해체하는 데 사용될 수 있으며, 따라서 망상과 부정을 산산조각 낼 수 있습니다. 그것은 그림자 자신을 치유합니다. 세 번째 상징은 사람을 사랑으로 채우고 균형을 되찾습니다. 네 번째 상징은 클라이언트를 다시 몸 안으로 가져오고 접지함으로써 치유를 완료합니다.

카루나 II 상징은 진동이 더 높습니다. 높은 자아와 직접 연결하고 더 깊은 수준에서 작업할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 이 상징들은 수업 시간에 논의되는 특정한 목적을 가지고 있지만, 그들의 에너지에 대한 경험은 상징들의 사용에 직관적인 지침을 제공합니다.

카루나 레이키®의 두 레벨들에 대한 이그니션이 모두 제공되며, 모든 9개 상징들의 사용에 대한 지침과 실습이 제공됩니다. 이 수업을 들은 후에는 대면 또는 온라인으로 두 레벨들을 모두 가르칠 수 있습니다.

실습과 상징 사용을 위한 많은 연습 시간이 포함되어 있습니다.

우리는 또한 카루나 레이키® 상징들과 함께 챈팅과 토닝을 실습할 것입니다.

전국에서, 그리고 종종 전세계에서 온 다른 레이키 마스터들과 네트워크를 만들어 보세요! 이것은 헌신적이고 높은 에너지 주파수를 지닌 사람들이 많이 있는 흥미로운 워크샵입니다.

인증서와 각 상징들과 이그니션 프로세스에 대한 자세한 설명을 포함한 교재가 제공됩니다.

모든 레이키 수업 등록에는 레이키 뉴스 매거진의 1년 구독이 포함됩니다! 현재 구독을 하고 있는 경우 구독에 4권을 추가로 받게 됩니다. 여기에는 해외 학생들도 포함됩니다.

이 수업을 마치면 레이키 국제 훈련 센터의 "등록된 카루나 레이키® 마스터"가 됩니다. 그러면 우리의 교재를 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 과정에 대한 자세한 내용을 알고 싶으시면 저희에게c연락해 주십시오 .

이 수업을 통해 깊은 치유를 경험할 수 있습니다

M카루나 레이키®에 대한 많은 정보

Wine Space (와인공간)
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/GNBaEeZ4oRTJhzJw7
Address: 2nd floor, 14, Gangnam-daero 94-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

AC Hotel by Marriott Seoul Gangnam (AC 호텔 바이 메리어트 서울 강남)
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/TQQdBoKU6oQsfp1o9
Address: 10 Teheran-ro 25-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

만약 이 수업이나 다른 수업에 대해 질문이 있다면, 연락 부탁드립니다.
센터 전화번호:  1-800-332-8112 또는 1-248-948-8112
팩스: 1-248-948-9534 이메일: classes@reiki.org

치유 테크닉과 이그니션을 배우는 과정에서 우리는 서로에게 연습을 하고 깊은 치유를 받을 것입니다. 멋진 수업이 될 것이고 당신을 만날 수 있기를 기대합니다.

사랑과 축복을 담아,
윌리엄 리 랜드

필요한 자격
이 수업을 듣기 위해서는 적어도 6개월 동안 레이키 마스터여야 하며 레이키 II와 마스터 심볼을 외워서 그릴 수 있어야 합니다. 이전 수업은 대면수업 이어야 합니다. 하지만, 레이키 I&II와 레이키 마스터 수업을 온라인으로 ICRT 계보를 가진 마스터에게 배우셨다면 자격이 있습니다. 등록 시에는 레이키 마스터 인증서 사본을 제출해야 합니다. 248-948-9534로 팩스를 보내거나 첨부파일로 center@reiki.org 로 이메일을 보내주시기 바랍니다.

홀리파이어® 및 카루나 레이키®는 윌리엄 리 랜드의 등록 서비스 상표입니다.

이 수업은 전액을 지불하거나 환불이 불가능한 보증금을 지불하여 등록할 수 있습니다. 보증금은 환불이 불가능하지만, 1년 이내에 다른 클래스로 변경할 수 있습니다. 이미 예금을 지불한 경우 계좌 페이지로 이동하여 잔액을 지불하십시오. Deposits 탭을 클릭하고 잔액 지불을 완료합니다. 수강신청이 완료되면 수강정보가 발송됩니다.

Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Training
Learn to Teach World Peace Reiki Online and In-Person

In-Person Class in Seoul, Korea
September 22-24, 2023
Friday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Saturday 9:00am - 6:30pm

Sunday 9:00am - 6:30pm
Class fee $1470 USD

Class in English with Korean translation

Teaching Reiki Classes Online
In this article, William describes the techniques he developed for teaching online.

The Birth of World Peace Reiki
In this article, William describes the nature of World Peace Reiki.

Read what experienced Reiki masters say about taking online Reiki classes.

This class includes the new upgraded Holy Fire® III World Peace Reiki energy which is considerably more powerful and effective than the previous Holy Fire® III energy.  It will allow you to teach Reiki classes online and in-person and as well as more effectively send Reiki for World Peace.
Read More

Who is qualified
Anyone with Reiki Master from any lineage.

William Lee Rand

This class includes Holy Fire® III World Peace Reiki

Holy Fire® III World Peace Karuna Reiki® Training
This class is the next step after Reiki Master and is both a Practitioner and a Master class. You will be able to teach this class online or in person. Those who take the class will be able to use the Karuna symbols in their Reiki sessions and teach the complete Holy Fire® III World Peace Karuna Reiki® Training. You will also be able to teach Reiki I&II and Reiki Master as Holy Fire® III World Peace classes Online or in person (however, it is easier to teach them if you have previously taken all the classes from an ICRT teacher prior to teaching them). It is complete with eight practitioner symbols, one master symbol, four ignitions and two meditations that are guided directly by the Holy Fire® energy.

Placement and Ignitions are the same as Attunements
Placements and Ignition are much easier to do than the old-style hands-on attunements. This makes teaching these levels of Reiki much easier as you will not need class time to demonstrate, and practice the attunements in class. Also, the Placement/Ignition system provides a more effective level of Reiki for the student and also empowers the symbols with more effective healing energy. In the Ignition process, the teacher's energy stays more completely out of the experience thus allowing a purer and more powerful form of energy to interact directly with the student. Ignitions and Placements are thoroughly explained and demonstrated in class and are clearly described in the Karuna Reiki® manual.

A brief description of the four Karuna® I symbols is given here: The first symbol prepares the client for deep healing and is useful with past life issues. It helps release karma and deeply seated issues on the cellular level. The second symbol heals deeply and can be used to breakup the negative patterns we unconsciously use to insulate ourselves from the truth, thus shattering delusion and denial. It heals the shadow self. The third symbol fills the person with love and restores balance. The fourth symbol completes the treatment by bringing the client back into the body and grounding.

The Karuna II symbols have a higher vibration. They help connect directly with the Higher Self and work on a deeper level. While they have specific purposes discussed in class, the experience of their energy allows intuitive guidance in their use.

Both levels of Karuna Reiki® and both Ignitions will be given as well as instruction and practice on the use of all nine symbols. You will be able to teach both levels after taking this class, either in person or online.

Lots of practice time is included for giving treatments and using the symbols.

We will also be doing chanting and toning with the Karuna Reiki® symbols.

Come network with other Reiki Masters from all over the country and often the world! This is an exciting workshop with lots of dedicated, high-energy people.

A certificate and a manual are included with in depth descriptions of each symbol and the Ignition process.

All Reiki class registrations include a one-year subscription to the Reiki News Magazine! If you currently have a subscription, four additional issues will be added to your subscription. This includes International students.

After completing this class you will be a "Registered Karuna Reiki® Master" with The International Center for Reiki Training. You will then be able to use our manuals. If you would like more information on becoming this process, please contact us.

This workshop is a deeply healing experience

More Information on Karuna Reiki®

Wine Space (와인공간)
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/GNBaEeZ4oRTJhzJw7
Address: 2nd floor, 14, Gangnam-daero 94-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

AC Hotel by Marriott Seoul Gangnam (AC 호텔 바이 메리어트 서울 강남)
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/TQQdBoKU6oQsfp1o9
Address: 10 Teheran-ro 25-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

If you have any questions about this class or any other class, please
contact the Center at 1-800-332-8112 or 1-248-948-8112 or
Fax 1-248-948-9534 or by email at classes@reiki.org

In the course of learning the healing techniques and Ignitions, we'll be practicing on each other and be deeply healed as well. This will be a wonderful class and I look forward to seeing you.

Love and blessings,
William Lee Rand

Necessary Qualifications
To qualify to take this class, a student must have been a Reiki master for at least 6 months and be able to draw the Reiki II and master symbols from memory. Prior classes need to have been in person. However, online training for Reiki I&II and Reiki Master is acceptable for qualification as long is it is with someone who's lineage is with the ICRT. At the time of registration, you are required to send in a copy of your Reiki Master certificate. Please fax to 248-948-9534 or send as an attached file to center@reiki.org.

Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.

You can register for this class by paying the whole fee or by paying the non-refundable deposit fee. Deposit is non-refundable, but can be transferred to another class within 1 year. If you have already made a deposit payment, please pay your balance by going to your account page - click on the Deposits tab and finalize your balance payment. After acceptance into the class, your class information will be sent.


What experienced Reiki masters say about taking online Reiki classes

The class was fantastic. I am now a big fan of online classes. William and Shelby and Colleen made it a great experience. Overall, it was well put together and very full but not overwhelming. A very powerful shared and bonding experience. I expect to stay in contact with multiple classmates. The Ignitions were very powerful. As I have been attuned to the Karuna energy and symbols for 2 decades, I was not expecting to find the power, clarity, guidance and Unity that I live to feel so much . . . I can only describe it as higher frequency. I could write volumes here, but I sum it all up and say in Gratitude . . . Wow!!! My classmates, we were all over the world, but there was no distance. The fact that so many experiences were so directly shared amongst various classmates, and the tremendous Universal Love that was shared. From the student perspective, I found it fantastic. I look forward to re-taking the Usui series the same way.

—David Teich, Reiki Master

I loved this class. The ignitions were amazing and the Karuna symbols are so powerful. I was able to feel the energy flowing much more deeply when both giving and receiving Reiki. I had never done chanting and was astounded how much it magnified the energy of the symbols. It was the most profound class that I have taken. I am so grateful for all the deep personal healing that I received through the experiences, ignitions and healing sessions. Thank you so much! Blessings!!!

—Deborah Wing, Reiki Master

I was so wonderfully surprised by the power of the class online and the way it was structured. The upgrade to the HF was palpable and I could really feel the difference between the symbols. It was amazing to work in small groups and give and receive multiple times to the same folks, very instructive and lovely. I feel like I received so much healing from the sessions. [I liked most] connecting to and learning about Holy Fire®. These concepts are beliefs I have that I work with daily so it was so beautiful to be learning about them as William Lee Rand and the other Masters received them and to be with so many folks of like mind and hearts. The ignitions were incredibly powerful, each fundamentally different and yet the same. I appreciated William Lee Rand’s teaching and interaction with the students which I felt ware in the spirit of equanimity which creates a sense of safety and belonging for all. And his knowledge runs so deep. His methods of explanation and demonstration were straight-forward, patient, and kind. He is an incredible teacher and HF/Karuna is such a gift.

—Emily Anne Peterson, Reiki Master

The online HF/Karuna Master Class was INCREDIBLE! It was far more than I expected. The knowledge and experience that I gained is invaluable! The Healing in the River of Life Experience and the four Ignitions were deeply healing and powerful. I feel that they will have a profound and positive effect on my life. I really enjoyed going into the Break-Out Rooms and getting to know some of the other students. It was a wonderful experience to give and to receive Reiki to the people in my group. [I liked] everything! I didn’t want to the class to end! I enjoyed learning from William during the “lecture” portion; I loved getting to know my fellow students in the Break-Out Rooms; the River of Life Experience was AWESOME; and the Ignitions were powerful! William is ALWAYS kind and patient with each student and with every question.

—Erin Whalen, Reiki Master

The best description for this class would be life altering and empowering. I was made aware of the magnificent power, beauty and energy moving through me an beckoning my very highest purpose and self to serve. I feel as if I have been empowered with some incredibly powerful tools. The healing is on a much deeper level. We all had a front row seat! I like having the recordings available to us to go back to. I love learning from William, he’s a great teacher.

—Jean E. Greenland, Reiki Master

I started the class feeling a bit – what’s the best word for this? – anxious? concerned? disappointed? that the class had to be held online. I wasn’t convinced that this new energy would really work with the technology and make a difference in my experience with Reiki. But I need not have worried. Overall, the class was excellent. The break-out groups helped build the sense of community and the connection that we get in our in-person classes; the Karuna Reiki® symbols are amazingly effective; William’s teaching was, as always, informative, warm, and engaging. It was a great experience. I won’t hesitate to take an online class again. The Ignitions felt both gentler and stronger than those I received for Holy Fire® III. Far less busy-ness durng them and more deeply relaxing. I’m looking forward to doing a lot more meditating and working with the Karuna symbols. Sending felt stronger, more easily sustained, and my ability to visualize the symbols as well as the distant face of the receiver was far better. When it was my turn to receive, I felt, again, deeply relaxed – and I am beyond words grateful for the physical healing I received. I have been dealing with excruciating hand pain for a long time. After the three members of my break-out group went the Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki®, the pain began to decrease. Today it is almost gone. I liked all of it, but I most appreciated the break- out groups that gave us a better chance to get to know one another. The Experience and the Ignitions were powerful and profound (I don’t know what happened in the River of Life Experience, but I know that something in me was broken open and healed).

—Lindsay Bates, Reiki Master

I had a very good experience. Training was organized and presented very well. It was great to hear personal stories directly from William and to be in class with him all 3 days. I like the new energies and symbols and can already feel the increase in my healing abilities. Receiving was extremely powerful. I had experiences of floating, begin surrounded by light beings, being extremely connected to everything. The last session with toning was the most powerful Reiki session I’ve ever received. In giving Reiki my sensitivities to the energy and the recipients were definitely increased. The Experience of the River of Life was the most powerful of the weekend for me. It was extremely healing. I wondered if the rest of the weekend could even compete with it. But learning the Karuna symbols and practicing with those and the Holy Fire® symbol was also extremely powerful. So glad I took the class.

—Maryann Lonergan, Reiki Master

It has been my desire to study with William Rand for over three years. Along with the upgraded energy, the ability to take notes without being self conscious in a classroom setting was really nice. The pace was relaxed but at the same time there was a ton of content. I received so much clarity from the class and am reconsidering re-taking Reiki I/II with William to get pointers on how he teaches the entry levels. The first experience brought me to tears – the emotions were unexplainable. The four Ignitions were very relaxing. I could feel the energy flowing particularly during the second and third Ignitions. During the Karuna II symbols I actually layed down and the experience was amazing. It felt like a really long healing session and I fell asleep. I loved the relaxed pace that was still so full of content. Also, while I was extremely apprehensive about the Spirit Release, it turned out to be a very profound experience. I’m glad William had us push our boundaries.

—Micah Hill, Reiki Master

I really enjoyed the class. Some of the activities were a bit long, while others felt rushed, but overall, I felt like I learned so much and had all my questions answered. It was also a great experience to be able to have these Ignitions and experiences in my own home with my cat and plans around me. I also liked the online format more than I thought I would. I think the students made some great connections with each other. Both giving and receiving Reiki was great, but I think the Karuna II experience was much more powerful, probably due to the inclusion of chanting as part of the exercise. The Karuna is mainly just relaxing, though I did feel quite a resonance of the symbols when working on one of my group members. I actually liked the size of the class, which surprised me. The diversity of experience and the wisdom of my classmates really enriched the class for me. It was amazing working with so many Reiki masters and making those connections. I thought the amount of practice we got giving and receiving Reiki was excellent. I also like the healing spirit attachments, though this activity felt a bit rushed. And the Healing in the River of Life Experience was great too. Overall, I loved all the activities we did.

—Nicholas Wolfson, Reiki Master

I really enjoyed the class, especially taught by William R. himself. It was such a nice experience to learn from such an enlightened spiritual being. It was my first class with William R. and I would recommend it to anyone that is a Reiki Practitioner to take a class with him. It was such an honor. The Reiki session was beautiful. I really felt the enegy releaseing and its healing on such a deeper level. It really opened up a lot of unresolved issues in my personal life that are now able to heal because of this deeper understanding. I also loved that even though we didn’t know our partners in such depth, they felt the same energy. It was such a great confirmation. I really loved the historical aspect of Reiki and how William’s played such an important part in developing this energy further. I think just given the details it doesn’t come across the same way through the manuals. I really loved this personal touch. I also loved the aura field explanation and it gave me a new perspective when it comes to being triggered by certain negative energies and people. And my favorite part was the Ignitions. So healing.

—Nicole Rutsch, Reiki Master

Overall, the class was a deeply healing experience and definitely felt like an advancement from my Reiki Maser course. It was a joy to see so many other practitioners eager to grow, learn and change the world. I very much enjoyed our breakout sessions where we discussed what we experienced when providing healing to one another. My group was such a joy. They were beautiful souls and their joy was healing to bear witness to.

—Damia December, Reiki Master