Reiki Improves Clotting Factor

November 19, 2001 I was going to be operated on for a stone in my right kidney. After being two weeks in a hospital under study, my clotting factor was about 29. The same day I was given a couple of K vitamin shots to raise the factor. Next day I was taken to the operating room, but again the clotting factor was only 30. The operation was suspended and I was told, under these conditions, they could not operate because of the high risk of hemorrhage. I went home and began to look for Reiki on the internet. I found several Reiki healers who did not charge for the service. I sent my problem to them because I am an old man of 75 and my retirement pension is a little over US$100. I started to immediately receive answers saying my petition would be fulfilled at that very moment.

After two weeks I went to a blood specialist and after several analyses my clotting factor had increased to 93. I was successfully operated on November 25 2002. I must say I recommend Reiki to any one who suffers. Thank you for giving me the chance to have this case known. I live in Chile, South America.