Reiki News Spring 2018

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Honoring All Reiki Schools and Lineages
The Reiki News Magazine is a 80-page full color glossy magazine containing articles on every aspect of Reiki practice written by some of the most knowledgeable and experienced Reiki people on the planet. Below is a synopsis of the current issue.
Welcome . . .
to the Spring issue of the Reiki News Magazine. Our purpose in publishing the magazine is to provide you with inspiration as well as new ideas and techniques so your practice of Reiki can be more fulfilling and beneficial - to you as well as those you treat. By calling on Reiki to guide this process and by continually searching for the very best writers and giving them the freedom and encouragement to produce their best work, we remain focused on fulfilling that purpose. Check the amazing list of articles below. This issue is both exciting and practical!
Here is a list of the articles in this issue:
The Man Behind the Master
An Intimate Interview with William Lee Rand – Part III
by Joan W. Maute
In this part of the interview, William shares many interesting details from his recent life including attending race car driving school and how Reiki helped him deal with a life-threatening situation.
My Reiki Revelations
by Sandy Charbonneau
Sandy shares how her awareness of Reiki started with two amazing experiences which led to many others and demonstrated to her that Reiki is wise, healing, loving, encouraging, comforting and glorious.
A Reiki Pilgrimage
by Patricia Daly
Here Patricia explains how the spiritual aspects of Holy Fire® Reiki merged with her religious life to create a new, more meaningful spiritual path she had not been aware was possible.
A Teacher with Beginner’s Mind,
The Story of How I Began Teaching Reiki, with Tips for New Teachers
by Susan T. Blake
Susan, a seasoned workshop leader, became a Reiki master and discovered that she loves teaching Reiki classes. She offers suggestions on getting your teaching practice started.
Group Distant Reiki Healing Session
by Kathleen Johnson
An important feature of Reiki practice is the ability to send Reiki to others at a distance. Kathleen provides useful information on how she teaches this procedure in her Reiki classes.
Reiki in the Peruvian Andes
by Rinda Payne
This fascinating article explains Andean spiritual traditions and how the author used this understanding to introduce Reiki into the lives of the people who live there.
Healing the Whole Person
by Marie-Eve Senechal
Marie-Eve explains that healing involves more than the physical body; if the cause is to be addressed, it must also include healing the emotions, the mind, and the spirit.
Finding Authenticity with Reiki
by Teresa Jantz
Teresa shows how Reiki helps us remove our “masks” so that our true nature can be revealed, understood, and expressed.
Using Reiki for Emotional Transformation
by Olisia Barron
Olisia shares her healing process as she uses Reiki to gain insight into what is needed to heal an unhealthy marriage.
Reiki and Workplace Stress
by Robin Fuerst, PharmD, FASHP and Bryce Goebel
Robin and Bryce explain the source of workplace stress and the problems it can cause. They go on to show how Reiki can reduce workplace stress, how to use Reiki in the workplace and how to get a Reiki training program started.
Reiki Retreat Redux
by Sarah Soltow
Sarah shares the healing and fellowship she has experienced attending many Reiki retreats and culminating in the retreat last year in Sedona.
Reiki and Emergency Preparedness
by Peter Huhtala
Peter describes the importance of first responders and other volunteers during emergency situations and how Reiki training can help by decreasing stress and helping those who are injured.
Reiki and Hurricane Irma
by Pattie Carney
Pattie describes how her use of Reiki provided her with the presence of mind needed to make important decisions and keep her family safe.
This is an exciting and valuable issue that will supply you with entertainment as well as quality information and instruction. If you have any suggestions on how the magazine could be improved, I'd be very happy to hear them.
The world is a wonderful place, filled with continual changes which bring with them a never ending supply of opportunities. May you grow in the ability to allow the wisdom of Reiki to guide how you create your life.
Love and peace to you and the world.
William Lee Rand,
Writers Guidelines
If you would like to write an article for the Reiki News Magazine,
please see our Writers Guidelines by clicking here.
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