World Peace Card Set

Please accept our gift of the peace cards, which are photographs of the actual grids taken as they were placed in each location. An instruction card is also included. May you use them to bring peace to the world and into your personal life.
Those living in the USA will receive a free set of the hard copy cards through the mail - and we'll pay the postage. Limit 1 free set per customer. Those living outside the USA can download a pdf file of the cards which you'll be able to print on your computer printer.
Additional Sets
If you've already received your free set of World Peace Cards, you can order additional sets for $1.00 each.
This set of World Peace Cards is offered to you with the hope that you’ll use them to promote peace in the world and to bring peace into your own life as well. The grids were placed at the North and South Poles, in Jerusalem, in the classroom at the International Center for Reiki Training, at the Maluhia Lani Reiki center on Maui and in the main temple on Mount Kurama in their sacred room.
The peace cards can be used in a number of ways and include meditating with them, using them to send distant Reiki to the World Peace Crystal Grids thus empowering the grids to create world peace or by using them to create peace in your home and personal life by placing them somewhere appropriate in your home or simply carrying them with you.
Each World Peace Crystal Grid is 12 inches in diameter with 12 petals to represent the form of the heart chakra. The material is solid copper covered with 24 carat gold. A 12-sided quartz pyramid is in the center of the grid; under the pyramid is an image of the Reiki power symbol and the Karuna peace symbol. There is a double-terminated quartz crystal on each petal, and symbols of the major religions of the world and an inscription circle the center of the grid. The design allows the grid to act as a reservoir to hold Reiki energy sent to it by Reiki practitioners using the pictures and the Distant Healing symbol.
The inscription on the World Peace Crystal Grids reads:
May the followers of all religions and spiritual paths
work together to create peace among all people on earth.
Card size 5" wide x 3.75" tall