Reiki Grid Using the World Peace Crystal Grid

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Laminated 14 1/4" x 14 1/4" World Peace Reiki Grid Print with instructions.
May the followers of all religions and spiritual paths
work together to create peace among all people on earth.
Use this picture of the World Peace Crystal Grid to create a Reiki Grid which will send Reiki continuously to all those whose names or photos you place in the grid. The Reiki Grid can also be used to empower your goals. The grid is created by placing crystals over the ones in the photo and having a Master crystal to charge the grid. All those whose names or photos are placed in or near the grid will receive Reiki healing continuously. In order for your Reiki Grid to work, you will need to charge it everyday with Reiki. The Reiki Grid has been in use by thousands of Reiki people for over 20 years. Instructions for creating and using a Reiki Grid are sent along with the World Peace Reiki Grid. Instructions are also in the ART/Master manual and in here.
About the World Peace Crystal Grid
This World Peace Crystal Grid was placed at the magnetic North Pole on May 3rd, 1997 by William Lee Rand. It contains symbols for the major religions of the world including native peoples and independent spiritual paths. Its purpose is to act as a receiver/transmitter of healing energy to promote peace in the world. This location at the magnetic north pole is significant as the magnetic field of the earth flows through it which empowers the Grid at the same time it carries its energy of peace around the planet. Please use this picture to send distant Reiki and prayers to the Peace Grid which will charge it with healing. The Peace Grid is programmed to automatically send peace to crisis situations in the world as well as to create peace among all people on Earth. As you send Reiki to the Peace Grid, you’ll become part of the group of peacemakers who are using the Grid to create world peace. Duplicate World Peace Crystal Grids have also been placed at the South Pole, Jerusalem, Southfield, Michigan and Hana, Hawaii. More info
Use of the World Peace Crystal Grid as a Reiki Grid
By using the World Peace Crystal Grid as a Reiki Grid, you will be sending Reiki for world peace at the same time you send Reiki to heal yourself and others. In addition, the energy of the World Peace Crystal Grid network will add to the peace and healing you are sending to yourself and others.