One-Day Reiki Webinar Video Recording

How to Use Reiki to
Achieve Goals and Accomplish Your Life Purpose
Includes a Special Holy Fire® Experience and an Ignition
Presented by
William Lee Rand
Reiki I & II from any lineage or school of Reiki.
The webinar link will be emailed to you after your qualifications have been verified.
- Includes an Ignition and an Experience that will increase the strength and effectiveness of your Reiki Energy.
- Learn how to create meaningful goals that you are motivated to accomplish.
- Disconnect from family values and ancestral spirits that no longer serve you.
- Break Free from the restrictions of Social Conditioning.
- Connect more directly with your Authentic Self.
- Gain a deeper understanding of why you chose this life.
- Develop a positive attitude toward your problems by connecting with your ability to solve them.
- Come more fully into alignment with the beauty, peace, and spiritual consciousness of the Earth.
- William also shares many interesting facts and details about Reiki not usually taught in his classes.
- Includes a certificate of completion.
The Holy Fire® Reiki energies presented in this class will adjust themselves to harmoniously interact with the auric field and levels of consciousness present in each student and generate significant improvements in your productivity and quality of life regardless of your previous Reiki lineage. After taking this class, you will be able to continue practicing Reiki and teaching your Reiki classes using the same lineage and school of Reiki you are currently part of.
Holy Fire® is a registered service mark of William Lee Rand.