Sister Anny Vogeizang

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Sister Anny Vogeizang

I have become a REIKI master to fulfil my vocation, which began with a dream. After overcoming my hesitations I began my master training in 1991 and as from January 1993 I have been giving REIKI courses every month, to a group of at most 9 students.

My religious congregation fully supports our activities and purchased a building for us in 1994. We call it “REIKI Centre DRIELUIK”. . The room is 40 square metres. Behind this big room are still another two little rooms half the size of the big room.

Our Reiki classes contain a cross-section of society: pastors (both roman-catholic and protestant), engineers, manufacturers, contractors, teachers, employees, housewives and housemen, healthcare workers, students etc.

Dick and Corry have participated in all the courses as assistant-masters. In October 1994, after they both had received the 3rd degree, Dick continued the master training and as of spring 1995 Dick and I take turns in giving the course, assisted by Corry and Dick or me.

We have chosen for quality, 9 students with 3 all round teachers. It already has begun to bear fruit. People who come here have often been made aware of “DRIELUIK” and its teachers by former participants.

I see it as my goal in life, following the Lord Jesus Christ, to help alleviate suffering that is unnecessary. Jesus did good, laid his hands on the sick for healing, talked to people who were in pain or in trouble etc. Dick, Corry and I do the same.

The students transfer the money to the Project “Vagrant Children Phillippines”. In this way, our helping hands reach further than the Netherlands. As from January 1993 more than NLG 150,000.— was transferred to the Phillippines.

In the Netherlands it is not required for a religious person to specify to the church authorities in detail what your activities are. Within the general goals of religious people there is enough room for anything you prefer, especially for the explicit words of Jesus, namely: “Lay your hands on each other for healing”. I quote the bible: Marcus 16:15 “Travel around the world . . . . . Mc. 16:18 “ . . . . . . .and if you lay your hands on the sick, they will become healthy.”

Sometimes fellow-nuns or religious people of other congregations join us for a REIKI course. Within our”DRIELUIK” premises, we give REIKI information once a month. We are also asked to provide information elsewhere.

We send you the cordial greetings of our threesome,

Corry, Dick and yours truly,

Anny Vogeizang
Member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Charles Boromeo.

Perikweg 41
The Netherlands