Reiki Practitioners and Teachers List
This page gives access to the contact information and qualifications for all our ICRT Reiki Membership Association practitioners/teachers. All are Reiki masters and have agreed to abide by our code of ethics and standards of practice. In addition, each level of membership requires additional qualifications which are indicated by the letters A, P, and LRMT displayed in each member listing and described in the right sidebar. Please contact them for Reiki sessions and classes.
LRMT – Licensed Reiki Master Teacher: Due to their level of professional training, the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) highly recommends taking classes with our Licensed Reiki Master Teachers (LRMTs). Our LRMTs have successfully completed a licensing program requiring over 1000 hours of study and practice that usually takes 3 - 4 years to complete. Our curriculum has been specifically designed for Reiki Masters who choose to dedicate themselves to the teaching and practice of Reiki at the highest licensed level. All maintain an active Reiki practice and are committed to empowering themselves and others through the use of Reiki. LRMTs use ICRT manuals in their classes and abide by our Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. They provide special ICRT student certificate with an embossed golden ICRT seal. A list of LRMTs and their classes.
P – Professional Member: Uses ICRT manuals in their classes. Has agreed to abide by our Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Has taken Reiki I&II and Reiki Master training from one of our Licensed Reiki Master Teachers (LRMTs). Provides student certificates issued by the ICRT Reiki Membership Association. Uses the title of Professional member of the RMA or Professional member of the Reiki Membership Association in their advertising and literature.
A – Affiliate Member: Provides ICRT manuals in their classes. Has agreed to abide by our Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Uses the title of Affiliate member of the RMA or Affiliate member of the Reiki Membership Association in their advertising and literature.
Reiki Practitioners and Teachers List
To search for US or Canadian teachers, choose locations from the States or Provinces drop downs, respectively. For all other countries, choose from the Countries drop down.
When searching for name, search by LAST name.
Type |
Name![]() |
City | State | Zip | Contact | Teaches classes in | Member Since |
Professional | Reba Herrington | Naples | FL | 34112 | Send Email | Florida | 7/1/2024 |
Professional | Jan Hettich | Lafayette | LA | 70508 | Send Email | Louisiana | 2/4/2011 |
Professional | Johanna Louise Hibbard | Portland | OR | 97214 | Send Email | Oregon | 8/22/2016 |
Professional | Martha Hills | Nelson | BC | V1L 6G7 | Send Email | British Columbia | 1/24/2024 |
Professional | Wayne Hilterbran | Las Vegas | NV | 89102 | Send Email | Nevada | 6/7/2017 |
Professional | Camille Hoang | Montreal | QC | H1V | Send Email | British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec Canada, France | 4/26/2024 |
Professional | Saba Hocek | New York | NY | 10028 | Send Email | New York | 11/10/2021 |
Professional | Tara S Hoch | Omaha | NE | 68112 | Send Email | Nebraska | 8/16/2022 |
Professional | Cynthia Holsclaw | Indianapolis | IN | 46227 | Send Email | Indiana | 10/27/2021 |
Professional | Ellen Homeister | Columbus | OH | 43214 | Send Email | Ohio | 5/5/2011 |
Professional | DoKyoung Hong | Irvington | NY | 10533 | Send Email | 7/8/2024 | |
Professional | Brenda Hood | Olympia | WA | 98502 | Send Email | Washington | 1/24/2018 |
Professional | Jayne Marie Horner | Dallas | TX | 75214 | Send Email | Texas | 12/5/2022 |
Professional | Robyn A Housemann | Cheshire | CT | 06410 | Send Email | Connecticut | 6/21/2013 |
Professional | Hung Hao Hsia | New Taipei | TPQ | 231 | Send Email | China/Taiwan | 1/6/2017 |
Professional | Deo Huang | Tainan City, TAIWAN | TNN | 702032 | Send Email | China/Taiwan | 2/8/2024 |
Professional | Balroop Hubley | Surrey | BC | V3S 4R6 | Send Email | British Columbia | 4/19/2023 |
Professional | Rose Huinker | Soddy Daisy | TN | 37379 | Send Email | Tennessee | 12/26/2023 |
Professional | Mary Pat Hulteng | Sykesville | MD | 21784 | Send Email | Maryland | 10/17/2012 |
Professional | Chia-Yan Hung | Taiwan | TXG | 434 | Send Email | China/Taiwan | 10/5/2023 |
Professional | Brett Elaine Hutchins | Bowie | MD | 20715 | Send Email | Maryland | 7/1/2024 |
Professional | Katie Elizabeth Hutsel | Marina del Rey | CA | 90292 | Send Email | California | 1/5/2024 |
Professional | Andrea Hyde | Minneapolis | MN | 55419 | Send Email | Minnesota | 8/23/2023 |
Professional | Susie Hyer | Owasso | OK | 74055 | Send Email | Oklahoma United States | 9/12/2018 |
Professional | Patricia Iannone | Bloomington | IL | 61704-8208 | Send Email | Illinois, Indiana, Iowa | 3/12/2024 |
To search for US or Canadian teachers, choose locations from the States or Provinces drop downs, respectively. For all other countries, choose from the Countries drop down.
When searching for name, search by LAST name.
Type |
Name![]() |
City | State | Zip | Contact | Teaches classes in | Member Since |
Affiliate | Wahneta Dimmer | Cedar Rapids | IA | 52402 | Send Email | Iowa | 7/20/2011 |
Affiliate | Melissa Dixon | Little Rock | AR | 72005 | Send Email | Arkansas | 10/2/2024 |
Affiliate | MJ Dolan | Des Moines | IA | 50312 | Send Email | Iowa | 1/31/2022 |
Affiliate | Therese Doll-Butler | Burlington | KY | 41005 | Send Email | Kentucky | 1/12/2013 |
Affiliate | Leslie Donison | Sherwood Park | AB | T8A 1W4 | Send Email | 7/12/2022 | |
Affiliate | Karen Donzell | East Hartford | CT | 06118 | Send Email | Connecticut | 9/25/2023 |
Affiliate | Joshua Dorfman | Rogue River | OR | 97537 | Send Email | California, New York, Oregon | 5/15/2023 |
Affiliate | Christine Dorsey | Cornwall On Hudson | NY | 12520 | Send Email | New York | 7/21/2021 |
Affiliate | Kristina Doucette | North Berwick | ME | 03906 | Send Email | Maine | 4/2/2024 |
Affiliate | Nancy Dougherty | Wilmington | DE | 19806 | Send Email | Delaware, Pennsylvania | 5/3/2023 |
Affiliate | Rob Douglas | London | SW1P 4NS | Send Email | United Kingdom | 6/24/2019 | |
Affiliate | Bob Dove | Pittsburgh | PA | 15221 | Send Email | Pennsylvania | 7/12/2024 |
Affiliate | Deborah Dovitch | Sherman Oaks | CA | 91403 | Send Email | California | 10/1/2012 |
Affiliate | Brandee Downes | Syracuse | UT | 84075 | Send Email | Utah | 9/28/2016 |
Affiliate | Johnny Downey | Alexandria | KY | 41001 | Send Email | Kentucky, Ohio | 7/25/2023 |
Affiliate | Dory Doyle | Henrico | VA | 23238 | Send Email | Virginia | 12/8/2023 |
Affiliate | Sherry Dracup | Stirling | ON | K0K 3E0 | Send Email | Ontario | 8/13/2014 |
Affiliate | Iracema Du Cros | London | ub4 9bt | Send Email | 3/5/2020 | ||
Affiliate | Sarah Dudley | Elgin | SC | 29045-9848 | Send Email | South Carolina | 1/2/2024 |
Affiliate | Samuel Dufaure | Tbilisi | 0105 | Send Email | Georgia | 5/1/2023 | |
Affiliate | Gina Duffy | plainview | NY | 11803 | Send Email | New York | 8/17/2020 |
Affiliate | Geraldine Dumas-Ganey | Beverly | MA | 01915 | Send Email | Massachusetts | 7/23/2013 |
Affiliate | Gina DuMond | Ray Brook | NY | 12977 | Send Email | New York | 3/2/2016 |
Affiliate | Tracey Duncko | Akron | OH | 44313-6240 | Send Email | Ohio | 7/8/2020 |
Affiliate | Jenny Dupas | Whitemouth | MB | R0E 2G0 | Send Email | Manitoba | 12/24/2020 |