Reiki Practitioners and Teachers List

This page gives access to the contact information and qualifications for all our ICRT Reiki Membership Association practitioners/teachers. All are Reiki masters and have agreed to abide by our code of ethics and standards of practice. In addition, each level of membership requires additional qualifications which are indicated by the letters A, P, and LRMT displayed in each member listing and described in the right sidebar. Please contact them for Reiki sessions and classes.

LRMT – Licensed Reiki Master Teacher: Due to their level of professional training, the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) highly recommends taking classes with our Licensed Reiki Master Teachers (LRMTs).  Our LRMTs have successfully completed a licensing program requiring over 1000 hours of study and practice that usually takes 3 - 4 years to complete. Our curriculum has been specifically designed for Reiki Masters who choose to dedicate themselves to the teaching and practice of Reiki at the highest licensed level. All maintain an active Reiki practice and are committed to empowering themselves and others through the use of Reiki. LRMTs use ICRT manuals in their classes and abide by our Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. They provide special ICRT student certificate with an embossed golden ICRT seal. A list of LRMTs and their classes.

P – Professional Member: Uses ICRT manuals in their classes. Has agreed to abide by our Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Has taken Reiki I&II and Reiki Master training from one of our Licensed Reiki Master Teachers (LRMTs). Provides student certificates issued by the ICRT Reiki Membership Association. Uses the title of Professional member of the RMA or Professional member of the Reiki Membership Association in their advertising and literature.

A – Affiliate Member: Provides ICRT manuals in their classes. Has agreed to abide by our Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Uses the title of Affiliate member of the RMA or Affiliate member of the Reiki Membership Association in their advertising and literature.

Reiki Practitioners and Teachers List

To search for US or Canadian teachers, choose locations from the States or Provinces drop downs, respectively. For all other countries, choose from the Countries drop down.

When searching for name, search by LAST name.

Type Namesort ascending City State Zip Contact Teaches classes in Member Since
Affiliate Edith Jolivette Pottstown PA 19464 Send Email Pennsylvania 5/22/2023
Affiliate Patricia M Johnston Boulder CO 80301-3539 Send Email Colorado 11/18/2014
Affiliate Shaeleen Johnston Cottonwood AZ 86326 Send Email Arizona 4/6/2021
Affiliate Kathleen L Johnson Bloomsburg PA 17815 Send Email Pennsylvania 6/26/2012
Affiliate Cynthia Johns Mililani HI 96789 Send Email Hawaii 9/6/2024
Affiliate Joy Johanneson-Sully Amherst NS E4B 3R2 Send Email New Brunswick 1/31/2013
Affiliate Michelle Jerchaflie Sparta NJ 07871 Send Email New Jersey 5/25/2022
Affiliate Anitta Jensen Legal AB T0G 1L0 Send Email Alberta 3/13/2024
Affiliate Kristina Jensen Lander WY 82520 Send Email Wyoming 8/30/2024
Affiliate iyanna jennings Sacramento CA 95811 Send Email California 11/4/2024
Affiliate Kimberly Jenkins Reno NV 89506 Send Email Nevada 10/18/2024
Affiliate Tamiko Ruby Jenkins Cleveland OH 44109 Send Email Ohio 5/4/2015
Affiliate Deanna Jaromay Walnut Creek CA 94598 Send Email California 3/9/2022
Affiliate Kristi Jardine Macomb MI 48044 Send Email Michigan 1/10/2022
Affiliate Rebecca Janecek Colorado Springs CO 80910 Send Email Colorado 10/24/2022
Affiliate Thomas Janecek Colorado Springs CO 80910 Send Email Colorado 10/22/2013
Affiliate Melanie Jamieson Glen Burnie MD 21061 Send Email Maryland 3/23/2021
Affiliate Trechia James McMinnville TN 37110 Send Email Tennessee 4/17/2015
Affiliate Thomas Jakubik Idaho Falls ID 83406 Send Email Idaho 4/1/2019
Affiliate Nicole Jakubiak Sandwich IL 60548 Send Email Illinois 3/3/2021
Affiliate Melissah Jackson Eagle Mountain UT 84005 Send Email Utah 4/18/2022
Affiliate Bobbie Jackson Green Bay WI 54313 Send Email Wisconsin 5/20/2019
Affiliate Shanaz Iyer Edmonton AB T5K 0P1 Send Email Alberta 7/18/2023
Affiliate Verna Iwamasa Young Mililani HI 96789 Send Email Hawaii 5/18/2022
Affiliate Erin Marie Issel Chichester NH 03258 Send Email New Hampshire 9/4/2024
